Karolina Duszczyk


Karolina Duszczyk


My articles

  • Adobe Stock

    Military University of Technology prepares optoelectronic systems for quantum computers

  • Photo credit: Military University of Technology. From the left: Piotr Dobroń, Wojciech Stępniowski, Katarzyna Tomczyk

    Anti-corrosion coatings without carcinogenic chromium from Military University of Technology

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Scientists from Military University of Technology to study gut microbiota of ISS astronauts

  • Credit: Coolerheat/Łukasz Witanowski

    Scientists want to produce cooling from heat

  • Cedit: Adobe Stock

    Multifractal brain and early stages of multiple sclerosis

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    How accurate are GPS receivers in sports watches?

  • Adobe Stock

    Dual strategy against 'castration-resistant' prostate cancer

  • Zakopane, Tatra Mountains 11.09.2019 r. Photo: PAP/Grzegorz Momot

    Scientists look at making tourists safer in the mountains during a storm

  • Adobe Stock

    Biomaterial injection to accelerate bone healing