History & Culture

Anna Szkobodzińska. Credit: Dariusz Piekut

Polish graphic designer awarded in New York

A graphics graduate from the Faculty of Architecture at the Białystok University of Technology, won the Student Prize category in the 'Alter Ego' competition organized in the United States.

  • 17.12.2016 PAP/Stanisław Rozpędzik

    Kraków museum studies ‘scent’ of daVinci’s Lady with an Ermine

    Kraków museum employees and scientists, in cooperation with partners from Ljubljana (Slovenia), examined the scent of Leonardo da Vinci's famous work - The Lady with an Ermine - and captured it in a felt-tip pen.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Archaeologists investigate how inhabitants of ancient homes used space

    Archaeologists from the University of Warsaw working in Old Dongola (Sudan) analyse traces of elements preserved on the floors of ancient houses to determine how their inhabitants used the space, e.g. where and how they cooked.

  • Source: Facebook/ Provincial Office for the Protection of Monuments in Lublin

    Detectorist finds 2,500-year-old bronze brooch

    A detectorist searching close to the village of Śniatycze (Lublin Voivodeship) found a massive fibula, i.e. a bronze brooch from 2,500 years ago. This is the fifth discovery of its type in the country.

  • Research by archaeologists from the University of Warsaw in a lake in Kujawy. Credit: Bartosz Kontny

    Archaeologists from Warsaw discover Celtic ritual site in Kujawy

    Archaeologists from the University of Warsaw have discovered a Celtic ritual site in one of the lakes in Kujawy. During underwater research, they found several items made by Celtic blacksmiths.

  • Photo from Anita Szczepanek's archive

    Polish archaeologists discover grave of two children from Migration Period in Czulice

    Polish archaeologists have discovered the grave of two children from the Migration Period in Czulice near Kraków. The discovery provides valuable information about the relations between the Huns and the local population in the 5th century CE.

  • Source: Sybir Memorial Museum

    Kazakhstan is a treasure trove of historical knowledge, says historian

    The first batches of historical documents obtained in Kazakhstan regarding Polish exiles are arriving in Poland. Researchers working on the project include members of the Polish-Kazakh International Scientific Council and the Polish-Kazakh Historical Commission.

  • Photo from Maciej Karczewski's private archive

    Baltic pagans bought sacrificial horses in Scandinavia, say archaeologists

    Baltic pagan tribes sacrificed horses imported from Christianised Scandinavia, according to international research.

  • Source: Masovian Provincial Conservator of Monuments, facebook.com/mazowiecki.wojewodzki.konserwator.zabytkow

    Mother and child find Neolithic axe while gardening

    The Masovian Provincial Conservator of Monuments announced a sensational find in Józefów near Legionowo. While gardening, a mother and child found a Neolithic axe.

  • Credit: M. Osypińska

    Polish archaeologists find graves of monkeys and calves in ancient animal cemetery in Egypt

    Polish archaeologists have discovered over 200 graves of monkeys, dogs and cats in an animal cemetery from the 1st and 2nd centuries in Berenike, Egypt. They also found burials of calves, which - they assume - were sacrificed at the animal cemetery or a nearby religious building.

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  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Tardigrades are like Mandalorians, says expert

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Credit: Adobe Stock

Tardigrades are like Mandalorians, says expert

Cryptobiosis, or latent life, is an extraordinary mechanism because of the resilience it gives to organisms that can enter it. Learning the limits of this resilience is important, for example, in the context of astrobiology and whether any forms of terrestrial life are able to survive beyond our planet, said Dr. Weronika Erdmann from Adam Mickiewicz University.