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Report: 87% of Internet users consider hate to be serious social problem

The report 'Polish Internet users on hate 2019-2024' by a linguist and media expert, a professor at SWPS University, was based on a survey of a representative group of 815 Polish Internet users over the age of 15. It was conducted in two waves - in March 2019 and November 2024.

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    Study: Depression and stress related to war in Ukraine also strongly affected Polish students

    Polish students reported high levels of depression and stress after Russia's aggression against Ukraine, higher than Ukrainian students, an international study has shown. The result is consistent with other analyses indicating that students from conflict-free countries often experience greater stress than those from war zones.

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    Even small children recognize hypocrites

    Even preschool children are able to recognize hypocrites, whom they rate worse than other people who break the rules, researchers from SWPS University demonstrate. Caregivers should therefore pay attention to whether their actions are consistent with their declarations, because children are careful observers of moral integrity.

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    AI use in psychotherapy creates new opportunities, but also real risks

    Artificial intelligence is already used in psychotherapy in the form of therapeutic chatbots. This provides many opportunities, but also creates risks, including offering harmful advice or causing emotional dependence of the patient on the digital therapist, according to Marcin Rządeczka, an expert from the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University.

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    Study: Emotional problems linked to binge eating and food addiction

    Over 20 percent of people surveyed by the University of Silesia researchers declared that they had experienced problems related to binge eating or food addiction. People combining both disorders showed the highest level of emotional problems, depression, anxiety, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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    Study: Of many current crises, economic crisis particularly affects young people

    The economic crisis is felt the most by young Poles - the stress associated with it affects the majority of students surveyed by psychologists from the Jagiellonian University. As many as 65 percent of young people are struggling with the effects of cumulative stress resulting from many crises occurring at the same time.

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    Study: SSRI antidepressants do not dull romantic love

    People who taka SSRI antidepressants experience romantic love in the same way as other people, an international study has found. These results may convince people who have previously avoided pharmacotherapy to seek help for depression.

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    Does history of epidemics influence contemporary social behaviour?

    The history of epidemics can influence contemporary social behaviour, such as the use of protective masks, according to researchers who surveyed thousands of birders from 53 countries and analysed historical prevalence of infectious diseases, as well as contemporary indicators of pandemic policies in different countries.

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    Study: 65% of teenagers almost never part with their smartphones

    96% of teenagers use smartphones, 93% own them, and 65% almost never part with them, according to the study 'Mobile devices in learning and teaching'. Students use smartphones for entertainment, to develop interests, for homework and during classes.

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    Psychologist: Language you use can influence your decisions

    A decision made based on data presented in a learned foreign language may be different than if you made it based on data in your native language. Language changes the intensity of felt emotions, and it affects the ability to analyse problems and choose solutions, according to research by Rafał Muda, PhD.

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09.07.2024. PAP/Marcin Gadomski

Marine ecologist: Creating seal reserves in Polish waters makes no sense

Seals do not constitute a permanent population off the Polish coast, they only 'pay visits' to rest on the shallows and take advantage of easy access to food, says marine ecologist, Professor Jan Marcin Węsławski. That is why, in his opinion, proposals to create seal reserves in Polish waters make no sense.