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    FDA grants Orphan Drug designation to compound developed by Polish specialists

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Orphan Drug status to a compound developed by specialists from the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków. This means that it may be given preferential treatment in further studies.

  • The Crab Pulsar, NASA/HST/ASU/J. Hester et al. X-Ray: NASA/CXC/ASU/J. Hester et al.

    How stellar neutron soup bubbles

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    Scientists: Finger length ratio can be diagnostic marker

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    Analysis/ Copy and paste from ChatGPT in top-shelf scientific publications

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    Vodka and morality: Alcohol reduces inhibitions against harming others and 'tarnishing sacred things'

  • 30.12.2024. PAP/Tomasz Gzell

    Polish astronaut to take flag and pierogi to ISS

  • Photo from Space Research Center PAS press release

    Instruments co-created by Polish scientists to study Earth's magnetosphere

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    Psychologist: Language you use can influence your decisions

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    Why do people spread disinformation? Researchers analyse importance of motivations related to need for power

  • Presentation of WPUTolyser - an innovative electrolyser for hydrogen production at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. The device was developed by scientists from the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics and Chemical Technology and Engineering. The durable design uses waste materials as catalysts. This results in higher efficiency than commercial solutions based on platinum and iridium. (mb/jm) PAP/Marcin Bielecki

    Szczecin/ Scientists develop electrolyser for hydrogen production based on chemical waste

Credit: Judyta Bąk

Study: Pre-Columbian tattoos often more intricate than modern ones

Precision of pre-Columbian tattoos often exceeded modern tattooing techniques. The thinnest lines were probably made with a single cactus needle or sharpened animal bone, an analysis of over 100 tattooed human remains of the Chancay culture has shown.

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    Study: Compensations for passengers reduce average EU flight delays

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    Scientists: Finger length ratio can be diagnostic marker

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    Psychologist: Language you use can influence your decisions

  • Why do people spread disinformation? Researchers analyse importance of motivations related to need for power

  • Study: Compensations for passengers reduce average EU flight delays

  • Where did love come from? Psychologists: It supports commitment, like rental agreement

  • Vodka and morality: Alcohol reduces inhibitions against harming others and 'tarnishing sacred things'

  • The Crab Pulsar, NASA/HST/ASU/J. Hester et al. X-Ray: NASA/CXC/ASU/J. Hester et al.

    How stellar neutron soup bubbles

  • How complexity of some quantum systems grows and then decreases

  • Radioactive plutonium will not hide. Scientists find it even on glaciers

  • Boson to boson: What if two divine particles collided?

  • When and how we see infrared: Researchers describe brightness of seeing 'invisible' photons

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    Norway/ Experts: Polish scientists have special role in Arctic research

  • Ecohydrologist: 2024 is another year that showing that violent weather phenomena are our new reality

  • Fewer Poles concerned about climate change, survey finds

  • Polish scientists investigate traces of past Tsunamis to prepare for future threats

  • Sunny way to convert 'trivial' methane into more valuable ethane

  • 30.12.2024. PAP/Tomasz Gzell

    Polish astronaut to take flag and pierogi to ISS

  • Instruments co-created by Polish scientists to study Earth's magnetosphere

  • Photo of Orion over Babia Góra selected NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day

  • Expert: Space debris will fall to Earth

  • Scientists discover new class of cosmic X-ray sources

  • Credit: Judyta Bąk

    Study: Pre-Columbian tattoos often more intricate than modern ones

  • Armenia/ Polish and Armenian researchers discover remains of 6th century BCE houses and traces of earthquake

  • Archaeologist: Illegal searches can destroy valuable sources of historical knowledge

  • What did Maria Skłodowska-Curie and Albert Einstein write to each other about? Book collection of their letters published

  • Silver Otto Adelheid Pfennig discovered near Kamień Pomorski

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    FDA grants Orphan Drug designation to compound developed by Polish specialists

  • Wrocław/ PLN 4.5 million for research a protein linked to drug resistance in chemotherapy

  • Polish scientist presents new therapy for burdensome skin disease in The Lancet

  • Scientists: Finger length ratio can be diagnostic marker

  • Experts: 200,000 patients die in Europe every year due to non-compliance with therapeutic recommendations

  • Credit: Michał Bogdziewicz

    Beech population study confirms: Climate change may inhibit tree growth

  • Beech population study confirms: Climate change may inhibit tree growth

  • Study: Most lynx die relatively young, often due to human activity

  • Study: Most lynx die relatively young, often due to human activity

  • Forever chemicals, microplastics, medicines - micropollutants are growing problem for wastewater treatment plants

  • Presentation of WPUTolyser - an innovative electrolyser for hydrogen production at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. The device was developed by scientists from the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics and Chemical Technology and Engineering. The durable design uses waste materials as catalysts. This results in higher efficiency than commercial solutions based on platinum and iridium. (mb/jm) PAP/Marcin Bielecki

    Szczecin/ Scientists develop electrolyser for hydrogen production based on chemical waste

  • Military University of Technology prepares optoelectronic systems for quantum computers

  • Analysis/ Copy and paste from ChatGPT in top-shelf scientific publications

  • Space Research Centre PAS: Polish space instrument GLOWS now integrated with NASA satellite

  • Optoelectronics experts help diagnose brain tumours

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    $1 million from Google for two Polish universities

  • After 10 years, half of scientists remain in science, after 20 years - one third

  • Wrocław Medical University is Poland's best university according to international ranking

  • University of Warsaw takes over 4EU+ Alliance presidency for one year

  • Pole named one of the world’s top 10 best students

  • 27.01.2025. Amber Terra - innovative paper created in cooperation between scientists from Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering of the West Pomeranian University of Technology and Arctic Paper, which combines ecology with the needs of the blind. Amber Terra is a paper with increased stiffness and opacity, which is also more environmentally friendly. Researchers used an innovative polymer crosslinker to reduce the amount of wood fibres. (ad) PAP/Marcin Bielecki

    Szczecin/ Innovative paper developed in cooperation between scientists and industry

  • World's only capsule for imaging breast lesions tested in Kraków

  • Jagiellonian University scientists discover polymer with antifungal properties

  • European Patent Office: Increase in submitted and approved patent applications from Poland in 2023

  • Researcher creates anti-slouching glasses

  • Photo from press release

    Polish space law expert receives Rosalind Franklin Society Award

  • Young Polish physicists win medal at international tournament

  • NAWA Lecturers promote Polish language abroad

  • Polish inventor wins European Inventor Award and Popular Choice Award

  • Polish graphic designer awarded in New York

  • Photo from press release

    Henryk Arctowski - pioneer of Polish polar research

  • VP of the Polish Academy of Sciences appointed Member of the Council of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology

  • Wrocław professor is the highest-ranked Polish scientist in the field of medicine

  • Polish computer scientist announced as Chief Scientist at OpenAI

  • Wrocław professor most frequently cited Polish scientist