
27.01.2025. Amber Terra - innovative paper created in cooperation between scientists from Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering of the West Pomeranian University of Technology and Arctic Paper, which combines ecology with the needs of the blind. Amber Terra is a paper with increased stiffness and opacity, which is also more environmentally friendly. Researchers used an innovative polymer crosslinker to reduce the amount of wood fibres. (ad) PAP/Marcin Bielecki

Szczecin/ Innovative paper developed in cooperation between scientists and industry

Paper with increased stiffness and opacity, environmentally friendly, and suitable for creating documents written in Braille, has been developed by materials scientists from the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin in cooperation with Arctic Paper Kostrzyn.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Doctors develop innovative receptor diagnostics for metastatic breast cancer

    A team of doctors from the National Research Institute of Oncology in Gliwice have conducted non-invasive imaging of the HER2 receptor using a PET radiotracer in a patient with metastatic breast cancer.

  • Photo from press release

    World's only capsule for imaging breast lesions tested in Kraków

    The National Institute of Oncology in Kraków is testing the world's only capsule for imaging breast lesions. The device uses artificial intelligence and - as its creators and doctors report - has the potential to contribute to faster, better cancer diagnostics.

  • 08.06.2015 PAP/Paweł Supernak

    VP of the Polish Academy of Sciences appointed Member of the Council of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology

    Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Professor Dariusz Jemielniak, has been appointed to the Board of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The Board is appointed by the European Commission.

  • Photo from press release

    Polish inventor wins European Inventor Award and Popular Choice Award

    Inventor Olga Malinkiewicz is the first Pole in history to win the European Inventor Award - a distinction awarded by the European Patent Office (EPO). At the ceremony in Valletta, Malta, she also received the Popular Choice Award.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Step by step: Teaching robots to walk

    For robots to be able to walk as easily as humans, many challenges must be overcome, including programming, material testing, and power supply.

  • Co-author of the invention, Dr. Magdalena Skóra from the Department of Infection Control and Mycology, Jagiellonian University Medical College. Source: JU Centre of Technology Transfer CITTRU

    Jagiellonian University scientists discover polymer with antifungal properties

    Scientists from the Jagiellonian University have discovered a synthetic polymer characterised by strong antifungal properties and low toxicity. According to the university, the discovery fills a gap among the few available substances used in mycosis treatment and prevention.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    European Patent Office: Increase in submitted and approved patent applications from Poland in 2023

    Poles submitted 671 applications to the European Patent Office (EPO) in 2023, over 10% more than in 2022. Most applications were filed by the University of Zielona Góra, the AGH University of Science and Technology and the Jagiellonian University, according to a press release of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.

  • Fot. Adobe Stock

    Scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology produce ecological fuel

    A new technology for the synthesis of dimethyl ether has been developed at the Gdańsk University of Technology. It is an attractive, ecological alternative to diesel fuel.

  • Credit: Warsaw University of Technology

    Researcher creates anti-slouching glasses

    A student of the Faculty of Physics at the Warsaw University of Technology has developed an add-on for glasses, which signals that the person working at the desk has changed their position into an incorrect one.

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  • Source: Mateusz Iskra. Research at the Davti Blur site

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Study: Compensations for passengers reduce average EU flight delays

Thanks to the introduction of passenger compensation, average flight delays in the EU have been reduced by almost 5 minutes. This is only seemingly little - in the entire EU over a year, this means a time saving equal to about ten thousand years, according to analyses by a researcher from the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.