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Polish scientists find microorganisms have adapted to life in space

Researchers from Kraków and foreign partners have studied the adaptive mechanisms of bacteria collected from the International Space Station (ISS). The findings indicate that microorganisms isolated from the interior of the ISS have adapted to life in space.

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    Polish photographer makes his third NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

    A Polish photographer’s photo of the Milky Way emerging from behind the Belianske Tatra mountains has been published by NASA as the Astronomy Picture of the Day.

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    Sener Polska joins important ESA mission

    Sener Polska has been awarded a contract to participate in a new European Space Agency project, the Next Generation Gravity Mission. This is part of the ESA and NASA programme, in which satellites will be built to study the Earth's gravitational field.

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    The mystery of Type Ic supernovae: Dramatic relationships of binary stars

    Type Ic supernovae carry within them a dramatic story of a relationship between a pair of stars. An international team of scientists led by Polish researchers has proven that for this type of cosmic explosion to occur, a not-so-peaceful - by human relationship standards - binary star system is needed.

  • Łukasz Wilczyński (awol) PAP/Art Service

    There is a revolution in the Polish space sector, says expert

    In recent months, the Polish space sector has recorded spectacular successes, including the successful test of the Bursztyn rocket and the launch of the EagleEye satellite, believes Łukasz Wilczyński, president of the European Space Foundation. He adds that the challenge for Poland now is to determine the main directions of development of this sector.

  • Credit: AGH UST in Kraków

    Swiss team wins 10th edition of European Rover Challenge in Kraków

    The Swiss FHNW Rover Team won the 10th edition of the European Rover Challenge, a competition for Mars rovers. Twenty four teams representing universities from all over the world participated in the competition in Kraków, in the so-called Marsyard - a space inspired by the Red Planet.

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    EagleEye is the first Polish satellite with such a large telescope

    EagleEye is a pioneering device - the first Polish satellite with such a large telescope, says Dr. Tomasz Barciński from the Space Research Center at the Polish Academy of Sciences. The largest, most advanced Polish satellite has been launched into orbit.

  • Photo from press release

    Polish space law expert receives Rosalind Franklin Society Award

    The director of the Centre for Space Studies at Poland’s Kozminski University has received the Rosalind Franklin Society 2023 Award for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of space law, the university reports.

  • Credit: Warsaw University of Technology

    Researchers build testing field for Mars rovers in Józefosław near Warsaw

    Will a swarm of autonomous rovers perform scientific exploration of Mars faster and more precisely than currently used rovers? This concept is being tested in Józefosław near Warsaw by researchers from Poland, Switzerland and the USA, as part of a project conducted in cooperation with NASA.

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    Polish companies develop technology for satellite refuelling in orbit

    If refuelling in orbit were possible, then fully functional satellites would not have to be decommissioned due to lack of fuel. Two centres of the Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation and the Polish company PIAP Space undertook a comprehensive development of all the necessary elements of such a service.

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    Wolves still afraid of humans despite more frequent contacts, research shows

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  • Fungi and humans share common ancestry, says mycologist:

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  • Polish photographer makes his third NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day


Scientists at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology are working on a bionic hand prosthesis designed for people with unilateral or bilateral forearm amputations. The hand can perform various gripping and manipulative movements and it is controlled with biosignals. Credit: Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Researchers in Wrocław develop bionic hand

Scientists from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology are completing work on a prototype bionic hand prosthesis for people with forearm amputations. The device is controlled with signals sent by muscles on the stump of the amputated limb, and artificial intelligence is used to analyse them.