Terms and conditions of use of the scienceinpoland.pap.pl web portal

20.10.2017 update: 30.04.2020
  1. The present terms and conditions specify the rules of provision, operation and use of the naukawpolsce.pl web portal (hereinafter referred to as „Portal”), run at the following URL address: www.naukawpolsce.pl and naukawpolsce.pap.pl, as well as the conditions concerning the services supplied electronically on the Portal.
  2. The publisher and the owner of the Portal is Fundacja PAP (the Polish Press Agency Foundation), with the registered office at ul. Bracka 6/8; 00-502 Warszawa, Poland, entered into the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000630663, with the tax identification number (NIP) 701-06-01-526, and the statistical registration number (REGON) 365096939.(hereinafter referred to as: Publisher)
  3. The portal is administered by Polska Agencja Prasowa S.A., with the registered office at ul. Bracka 6/8, Warszawa (postal code: 00-502), Poland, entered into the Business Register of the National Court Register conducted by the District Court of the City of Warsaw, XII Commercial Division, under the KRS number 0000062594, with the share capital amounting to PLN 30 695 520, paid up in full, and the tax identification number (NIP) 525-000-10-90 (hereinafter referred to as: Administrator)
  4. In order to use the Portal and the services it provides, the following is required: a connection with the Internet network, an Internet browser enabling loading and browsing of web pages on the screen of the computer or any other electronic device.
  5. Any user, from the moment of starting to use the Portal and services provided on it, is obliged to comply with these Terms and Conditions as well as with terms and conditions of other services provided by the Administrator which were selected by the user (if such services have separate terms and conditions of use). 
  6. Any materials (especially agency dispatches, photographs, graphics, video files) placed on the "Nauka w Polsce" („Science in Poland”) website are protected under the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights and under the Act of 27 July 2001 on the protection of databases.
  7. The PAP Foundation allows free reprinting of articles from the Nauka w Polsce portal provided that we are notified once a month by e-mail about the fact of using the portal and that the source of the article is indicated. On the websites and Internet portals, please provide the following address: Source: www.scienceinpoland.pap.pl, while in journals – the annotation: Source: Nauka w Polsce - www.scienceinpoland.pap.pl. In case of social networking websites, please provide only the title and the lead of our agency dispatch with the link directing to the article text on our web page, as it is on our Facebook profile. 
  8. The authorization above does not apply to: information from the „World” category or any photographs and video materials.
  9. All notifications about reprints of articles from the Nauka w Polsce Portal, media patronage requests, information about conducted research, organized conferences etc., please send to the following address: naukawpolsce@pap.pl
  10. Personal data of Portal users is processed in compliance with the provisions of the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (Polish Journal of Law of 2002, No. 101, item 926, as further amended), and with the Act of 18 July 2002 on providing services by electronic means (Polish Journal of Law of 2002 No. 144, item 1204, as further amended).

§ 2

The content of the Portal 

  1. The goal of the Portal is to make it possible for Internet users to gain access to resources shared on the Portal, 
  2. All rights to the Portal as a whole belong to the Publisher, while rights to individual elements of its content (i.e. texts, graphics, photographs, video materials, software and other elements protected by law) to Publishers or to natural or legal persons whose materials are lawfully shared by the Administrator on the Portal.
  3. Both the Portal and its individual elements are subject to protection pursuant to laws, and in particular to the following regulations: the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights (i.e. Polish Journal of Laws of 2006 no. 90 item 631, as further amended); the Act of 27 July 2001 on the protection of databases (Polish Journal of Laws of 2001 no. 128 item 1402, as further amended); the Act of 16 April 1993 on combating unfair competition (i.e. Polish Journal of Laws of 2003 no. 153 item 1503, as further amended), the Act of 30 June 2000 on industrial property (i.e. Polish Journal of Laws of 2003 no. 119, item 1117, as further amended).
  4. The use of the Portal or any of individual elements of its content in a manner which is unlawful or contrary to the terms and conditions shall be subject to penalty under the provisions of civil and criminal law.
  5. The pages of the Portal can also display links, materials and presentations containing references to third party offers or services. The extent and conditions of using third party offers and services are specified in separate terms and conditions set by such entities. The Publisher shall not be responsible for conditions and effects of using offers and services of such parties by users.
  6. Users use the Portal at their own responsibility and risk. The Publisher does not guarantee that information presented on the Portal shall be correct, accurate or suitable for the purpose intended by the user and for which it has been searched for. The Publisher shall not be responsible for the consequences of the Portal use by the user, in particular for any decisions taken by the user on the basis of information obtained on the Portal or for materials placed by users on the Portal being used contrary to the their intentions.
  7. For technical reasons, the Publisher does not guarantee that information and materials transmitted via Internet through the Portal shall reach the user faultless, complete and in full. The Publisher does not guarantee as well that browsing pages shall take place without interruption, technical defects or that the user shall obtain precisely the information they were looking for. This disclaimer also applies to materials uploaded by the user.

§ 3.

The use of the Portal

  1. All Internet users visiting the Portal are granted access and opportunity to get acquainted with resources gathered there. 
  2. All visitors can actively use the Portal by posting comments.
  3. A Portal user is obliged to use the Portal with compliance to existing law regulations, good practices and provisions of these Terms and Conditions. The user using the Portal cannot undertake any actions, apply any technology and/or tools disrupting the operation of the Portal IT system.
  4. The Publisher reserves the right to prevent access to or remove materials uploaded to the Portal by Portal users committing on the Portal severe and persistent infringements. 
  5. When posting a comment on the Portal, the user authorizes at the same time the Publisher to use User Materials free of charge (unlimited in time and space) for any purpose, and in particular, although not limited to, in publications and other media of the Publisher, within any and all fields of use encompassing especially: preserving and reproducing with any techniques, including printing, reprographic, magnetic, IT, digital, photographic, phonographic, audio, visual, audiovisual or multimedia techniques, in any system, standard or format and on any type of medium, including also temporary or permanent saving in the memory of a computer or any other electronic device; placing on the market, renting, lending in all systems and channels for trading copies; public performance, display, projection, reproduction, broadcasting and rebroadcasting using all known techniques and methods; all public sharing in such a way so that anyone can have access to such materials at a time and place of their choice, in all systems, techniques and technologies. The authorization granted to the Publisher also encompasses the right to express consent to other entities for using User Materials uploaded to the Portal.
  6. The authorizations granted to the Publisher also include the consent (authorization) to disseminate images of persons recorded in the comments posted by the user on the Portal, within the dissemination scope specified in the point 6 .
  7. Authorizations referred to in the points 6-7 apply to each Publisher of the Portal, that is both to the present Publisher as well as to its legal successors and potential subcontractors.


Final provisions.

  1. The Terms and Conditions are effective from the moment of their publication on the Portal site. The Publisher reserves the right to introduce changes herein at any time.
  2. In case of introducing any changes to the Terms and Conditions, the Publisher shall notify users about it without delay by means of the publication of their consolidated text on the Portal site.
  3. Changes in the Terms and Conditions do not affect the effectiveness of rights acquired by the Publisher under the previous versions of the Terms and Conditions.
  4. The Publisher shall make every effort with regard to the proper functioning of the Portal and individual services available there, but is not responsible for the occurrence of stoppages in the functioning of the Portal or services available there, should technical problems arise beyond the Publisher’s control.
  5. The Publisher reserves the right to temporarily take the Portal down, in part or in whole, for a technical break, as well as to introduce new functional solutions, including those increasing the security level and the quality of the Portal operation. The Publisher shall make every effort for such breaks to occur at night.
  6. The Publisher reserves the right to suspend or discontinue making available some services, to change functionality within the scope of such services and to introduce other changes. The Publisher reserves the right to assign, in part or in whole, its rights and obligations arising from publishing and/or administering the Portal to other entities, which the user hereby acknowledges and expresses their consent thereto.
  7. All questions and remarks regarding the operation of the Portal should be reported to the Administrator to the following e-mail address: naukawpolsce.pap.pl

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