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Norway/ Experts: Polish scientists have special role in Arctic research

Experts in Svalbard have no doubt that climate changes in the Arctic are drastic. This is confirmed by the results from dozens of scientific stations. The Polish contribution to Svalbard research is considered invaluable.

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    Climate scientist: 2024 was record-breakingly warm, but this record will probably be broken soon

    2024 was a record-breakingly warm year, but everything indicates that this record will be broken soon, says Bogdan Chojnicki, PhD, a professor and climate scientist from the Poznań University of Life Sciences. In his opinion, the increase in average temperatures will cause a serious drought in Poland within a few years.

  • Opening of a temporary bridge over the Biała Głuchołaska River in Głuchołazy after the September flood destroyed two bridges (mr) PAP/Krzysztof Świderski

    Ecohydrologist: 2024 is another year that showing that violent weather phenomena are our new reality

    Flood in southern Poland, numerous local floods with simultaneous hydrological drought and record low levels of rivers including the Vistula. The phenomena we encountered in 2024 are a new reality that we must prepare for also in Poland, says ecohydrologist Sebastian Szklarek, PhD.

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    Fewer Poles concerned about climate change, survey finds

    The number of Poles who consider climate change a serious problem has fallen by 7 percentage points year-over-year, a new survey has found.

  • Photo from Jędrzej Majewski's private archive

    Polish scientists investigate traces of past Tsunamis to prepare for future threats

    Polish researchers are digging into the history of past tsunamis on the western coast of Sumatra, aiming to better understand the region’s natural disaster risk and help local communities prepare for future waves.

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    Sunny way to convert 'trivial' methane into more valuable ethane

    Methane, the main component of natural gas, is a major environmental concern due to its role as a potent greenhouse gas.

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    Where Does Air Pollution in Poland Come From? Understanding the Sources and Solutions

    Air pollution in Poland, particularly in urban areas, remains a significant environmental and public health issue. A substantial portion of the particulate matter suspended in the air is attributed to the combustion of solid fuels in individual heating systems.

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    Everyday air pollution has stronger impact on health than short-term smog, says expert

    Smog and poor air quality are not the same. Smog situations are high concentrations of pollutants that last for a relatively short time. Although they do have a negative impact on health, air pollution is much more important because it has a long-term, everyday impact, says Dr. Krzysztof Skotak from the Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute.

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    Air quality in Poland improving, says new report

    Air quality in Poland in 2023 improved compared to previous years, according to information from the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (GIOŚ).

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    Map shows areas of Warsaw that would be under water during flood

    Łomianki, Wawer and part of Wilanów - in the event of a major flood, these areas of Warsaw would suffer the most, according to an analysis by geomorphologists from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. 'A much larger area of Warsaw than most experts believe is a flood area. This mainly concerns the right bank of the Vistula', says Dr. Grzegorz Wierzbicki.

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09.07.2024. PAP/Marcin Gadomski

Marine ecologist: Creating seal reserves in Polish waters makes no sense

Seals do not constitute a permanent population off the Polish coast, they only 'pay visits' to rest on the shallows and take advantage of easy access to food, says marine ecologist, Professor Jan Marcin Węsławski. That is why, in his opinion, proposals to create seal reserves in Polish waters make no sense.