
Polish company in EagleEye and Ariane 6 space projects

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Credit: Adobe Stock

Technologies developed by the Polish company Scanway will be launched into space in two important missions - the largest Polish satellite, EagleEye, and the new European launch vehicle Ariane 6.

The latest European Space Agency (ESA) rocket - Ariane 6 - is scheduled to launch on July 9. The Wrocław-based company Scanway takes part in this strategic project. The company provided an optical set based on two cameras that will record key stages of the flight. Approx. 3.5 minutes after launch, the cameras will record the disconnection of the main fairing, and after 66 minutes of flight they will record the separation of the satellites launched into orbit.

ESA will use the collected data to optimise future missions. Moreover, the cameras can also be used in other space missions, e.g. to identify space debris, repair and refuel satellites, or assess damage to devices in orbit.

The largest Polish satellite so far, EagleEye, will also be launched into space in the near future. For this project, Scanway developed an optical telescope that is the central part of the satellite. The instrument is designed to provide high-resolution images of the Earth. It will enable monitoring of environmental changes, analysis of natural resources and - if necessary - provide support in crisis management.

The telescope has been created largely thanks to the company's previous experience gained while working on the STAR VIBE mission. As part of it, another Earth-observing satellite was built.

Scanway develops two business lines - vision systems for industry, and space technologies. In the latter category, in addition to Earth observation systems, it specialises in satellite self-diagnosis devices.

The company, established relatively recently (in 2016), has already taken part in various space missions, cooperating with ESA, the German Space Agency and Thales Alenia Space.

Scanway also participates in the PIAST (Polish ImAging SaTelites) project, in which three Earth-observing satellites will be placed in orbit. They will be operated by the Military University of Technology in cooperation with the Ministry of National Defence.

New opportunities for development and obtaining capital for development were brought by the company's debut on the NewConnect market in October 2023.

In May, Scanway signed a contract worth EUR 1.7 million with the South Korean company NARA Space Technology to participate in the construction of a system of microsatellites for Earth observation, development of optical instruments and development of observation payloads for the NarSha constellation of microsatellites for methane monitoring.

Recently, Scanway also provided an optical system for collecting data for the OTTER satellite built by DLR and intended for tracking ships. (PAP)

Marek Matacz

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