Prizes & Awards

Polish space law expert receives Rosalind Franklin Society Award

Photo from press release
Photo from press release

The director of the Centre for Space Studies at Poland’s Kozminski University has received the Rosalind Franklin Society 2023 Award for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of space law, the university reports.

Dr. Katarzyna Malinowska was recognised for her article 'Challenges of Entering the Space Market: Case of Entrepreneurs in Central Eastern Europe’. The winning essay can be found online.

Along with co-authors (an engineer, lawyers, representatives of the administration), she analysed the space sector for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, with particular emphasis on Poland as the largest economy in the region.

They found that the challenges for countries in Central and Eastern Europe include the geographical location not being favourable to perform spaceflights, difficulties in gaining capital necessary to grow, or public clients with limited awareness of the benefits of the space sector.

The article was published in New Space, a journal collaborating with the Rosalyn Franklin Society. The Mary Ann Liebert publishing house announced that Dr. Malinowska had received one of the annual awards for outstanding research conducted by women and minorities underrepresented in science, published in the publisher’s journals.

A list of all the winners, along with descriptions of their research, can be found in the presentation posted on the RFS Awards in Science website (the Polish winner's research is presented on p. 119).

The Rosalind Franklin Society promotes the achievements of women and minorities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The patron of the organization is a British crystallographer whose work was crucial for the discovery of the structure of DNA. Currently, the society works for gender equality and diversity in the world of science.

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