
Polish president-elect of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine

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Photo: Fotolia

Dr. Jolanta Kunikowska from the Medical University of Warsaw was unanimously elected president-elect of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM). She will be president-elect in 2019-20, and president of EANM in the years 2021-22.

According to the Polish Association of Nuclear Medicine press release, Dr. Kunikowska, assistant professor at the Nuclear Medicine Department of the Medical University of Warsaw, was elected president-elect of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) during the EANM Congress on October 13-17 in Dusseldorf (Germany).

Established in 1985, EANM is the largest European nuclear medicine organization. Its members are over 9,000 specialists from 41 countries.

Dr. Jolanta Kunikowska is a graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw. Her specialisation in nuclear medicine is personalized therapy in neuroendocrine tumors, brain gliomas and the use of new markers, such as prostate cancer-specific antigen in the diagnosis of cancer. Dr. Kunikowska is active in Polish and European research and development structures. For many years she has been a member of the Polish Association of Nuclear Medicine, and since 2014 she has been on the EANM board. In 2008-2014 she was the National Delegate of EANM, and in 2010-2015 she was a member of the EANM oncological committee.

"The unanimous choice of Dr. Jolanta Kunikowska as the president of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine is a great personal success of the doctor, and a reflection and appreciation of her significant achievements and scientific activity in the field of nuclear medicine" - says Prof. Leszek Królicki, national consultant in the field of nuclear medicine, quoted in the release. "It is also a huge success of our entire community - we are proud of our colleague`s success and appreciate the many years of active contribution to the world science in the field of nuclear medicine".

Prof. Królicki emphasizes that nuclear medicine poses many challenges, for both researchers and practitioners of medicine.

"Increasing health needs of our society and growing applications for various nuclear medicine procedures in this context meet the reality of personalized precision medicine, in which contemporary nuclear diagnostics and therapy have much to offer. Our colleague Dr. Jolanta Kunikowska perfectly understands these challenges. I have no doubt that she will lead the world of European nuclear medicine towards fascinating and valuable scientific and research initiatives" - concludes the consultant.

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