Two students - researchers from Poland won awards at the prestigious competition of young scientists Intel ISEF in Los Angeles. Jerzy Szuniewicz won third prize in physics and astronomy, and Joanna Jurek - 4th prize in medicine and health.
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Los Angeles (Intel ISEF) is a prestigious international scientific competition, in which students present the results of their research. Poland was represented by three young researchers selected in the finals of the Contest for Young Scientists E(x)plory in March this year. They competed with more than 1,700 students from 70 countries. The results of the competition have been sent to PAP by representatives of Intel.
Jerzy Szuniewicz from Adam Mickiewicz High School No.8 in Poznań won third prize in the physics and astronomy, with the project "Optimizing the Process of Single Photons Coupling into Single-Mode Fibers by Using a Genetic Algorithm and Spatial Light Modulation". The prize was $ 1 000 and an invitation to the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva.
Joanna Jurek from Boleslaw the Brave High School No.1 in Piotrkówie Trybunalski scored high in the category of medicine and health. She won fourth prize with the "Multifunctional Composite Drug Delivery Nanosystem", applicable in cancer therapy. With such solutions, prognosis in cancer therapy increases 2 -3- fold. She received the prize of $ 500.
This year\'s Gordon E. Moore Award winner was Nathan Han from Boston. The 15-year-old has developed a computer program that analyses gene mutations and indicates whether they may lead to breast cancer. His solution is 81 percent effective in detecting disease risk based on the analysis of the BRCA1 gene . Nathan Han received the prize of 75 thousand dollars.
Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award worth 1 000 dollars have been awarded to two young researchers. 15 years old Lennart Kleinwort from Germany created a mathematical analysis tool for smartphones and tablets, allowing mobile devices to perform calculations that previously required the use of advanced computer hardware. 17 years old Shannon Xinjing Lee from Singapore designed a novel electrocatalyst that will make batteries in hybrid vehicles lighter, safer and more capacious.
The total prize pool in the Intel ISEF competition amounted to $ 5 million.
Intel ISEF is the world\'s most important exhibition of student projects in science and engineering, with over 60 years tradition. According to the organizers, 27 Nobel Prize began their research careers with presentations of their ideas at this event.
PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland
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