
Universal boat designed at Wrocław University of Technology

Source: Wrocław University of Technology
Source: Wrocław University of Technology

Evacuation of the wounded, transportation of supplies, fire fighting and patrol service are only some of the tasks that modern scow can perform. Designed at Wrocław University of Technology, it can sail on rivers, lakes and flooded areas. It overcomes shoals and may enter beaches.

The boat designed at Wrocław University of Technology is made entirely of aluminium. "Aluminium boats are usually built for a specific purpose, and the special and innovative feature of our design is the flexibility of installation and reconfiguration of equipment" - said the originator of the project, Dr. Damian Derlukiewicz from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wrocław University of Technology.

This means that the boat can be adapted to the needs of the emergency services, police, army and border guards. It can also be turned into a typically tourist boat. All thanks to mobile superstructure, which can be configured in any way, or even completely removed.

The prototype has been adapted to the needs of firefighters. It reaches the speed of 58 km/h and can carry equipment and supplies weighing approx. 1.5 tonnes. It is fitted with a special system taking out water for extinguishing fires directly from beneath the hull.

"Flip-down bow trap allows for fast evacuation of injured people. It is wide enough to allow a quad to enter the deck. The boat does not have any elements that could melt or burn, ultimately the version for the fire brigade also will be equipped with tempered glass" - added Derlukiewicz.

The first tests of the prototype took place in a closed body of water near Łowicz. They included functional tests such as immersion, tilt, systems performance, buoyancy, acceleration and manoeuvrability. More tests took place during Odra River Cup picnic on the Oder River.

Although the boat is not finished yet, it has already attracted considerable interest. "Representatives from Norway asked about our project, as did Lower Silesia fire brigade, its chief had the opportunity to sail" - added Damian Derlukiewicz.

Implementation of the entire project took three years and is the result of collaboration of Wrocław University of Technology and the company Rafann. Final documentation is now being prepared, and the boat is in the phase of implementation to production. Its creators are planning detailed tests in the "Demonstrator" program. They have already submitted a proposal to the National Centre for Research and Development.

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