
Grand Challenge Energy: PLN 1 Million for Compact Wind Power Installation Creator

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin. Credit: PAP/Radek Pietruszka 02.12.2019
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin. Credit: PAP/Radek Pietruszka 02.12.2019

Prize money of 1 million PLN is being offered to the winners of a competition to build a home wind power installation with energy storage.

Announced by the National Centre for Research and Development, the Grand Challenge Energy competition which is open to everyone, gives participants a year to solve the Grand Challenge research problem - to develop solutions that will use low-speed wind in the most effective way to produce, store and release energy. They are to be compact, quiet devices for individual and home applications.

"In Poland we are dealing with the phenomenon of dynamic transformation of the energy market. Everything indicates that we will soon live in a reality, in which the energy recipient will also be its producer, a prosumer. Every year, more and more entities decide to focus on "green" sources of energy, and the goal of our government is to make it a real and affordable choice for Polish families," said Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin.

Minister of Development Jadwiga Emilewicz said: "Our goal is to significantly increase the share of energy from renewable sources in domestic energy consumption. Unconventional initiatives involving a wide range of innovators, combined with raising public awareness about the role of clean energy, bring us significantly closer to this goal. I think that projects that will result from the Grand Challenges have a chance to become a Polish showcase, which I wish you and all of us.”

Competition participants should bring their ideas to the prototype stage with each prototype consisting of a wind power installation, i.e. a device or set of devices converting wind kinetic energy into electricity, and an energy storage connected to it. The prototypes must be finished by next fall.

"Thanks to the funds from the Smart Growth programme, the first Polish edition of the Grand Challenge will take place. In the United States, where the idea for the Grand Challenge comes from, it turned out to be a very attractive competition formula. I really hope that this idea will also work in Polish conditions. I hope that the Grand Challenge: Energy will unleash the potential of Polish inventors," said the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak.

Dr. Wojciech Kamieniecki, director of the National Centre for Research and Development added: "We focus on an attractive formula of open competition. The conditions for entering the competition are designed to allow everyone to participate, as long as they have a great idea and the right potential. Teamwork is also possible. Those interested in our initiative include scientists from universities and research institutes, research and development centres, entrepreneurs, engineering teams as well as innovation enthusiasts, students from science clubs or ‘garage inventors’”.

The winner will be the participant whose prototype - after wind blowing and connecting to the measuring system - will achieve the best result. In addition, a special prize in the "design" category will be awarded for the most aesthetic project. Participants remain the owners of the solutions they develop during the competition.

Those interested in taking part should register on the competition website between January 1 and May 10, 2020. The winner will receive a prize of PLN 1 million, and anyone can register. A maximum of 40 participants/teams will advance to the semi-finals. At this stage, the jury will assess whether the prototypes work and how much energy they generate.

PAP - Science in Poland, Piotr Gozdowski

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