
Book your ticket for Polish-American Innovation Bridge

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Credit: Fotolia

Scientists and industry innovators will share their ways to effectively lead research and development teams and projects during the pandemic at the Polish-American Innovation Bridge conference, which will be held online on November 19-20.

The main theme of the Top 500 Innovators Association conference is efficient work in a rapidly changing environment. The 70 speakers include professors Janusz Bujnicki and Piotr Moncarz, as well as American guests affiliated with the innovation ecosystem, such as: Peter Fiske, Arti Garg, Matthew Willcox, Molly Nagler, Paul Marca, Primavera de Filippi. The conference will be organized with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the US Embassy in Poland.

Day one of the conference will focus on the challenges caused by the current crisis. The speakers will propose ways to adapt to the new reality, in which a significant part of the activity is transferred to the virtual world. They will suggest how managers and scientists can deal with the challenges faced by their teams and projects.

The second day of the conference will be devoted to contemporary challenges. Experts will discuss new technologies that can help us solve pressing problems related to the aging of the environment and ecological disaster. They will talk about robotisation and AI as solutions to the problems of the modern world. They will also consider how to adapt to a changing environment and how to function in virtual reality.

The planned presentations will include the issue of Polish-American cooperation in the field of innovation. Sources of funding for research and development projects will be discussed. Researchers will present good research and implementation practices during the pandemic. Daria Tataj will talk about scientific cooperation networks and the advantages of networking. Scientists will explain what R&D leadership looks like in difficult times.

Find out more and book your ticket on the website.

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