
Less noise thanks to microvibration control

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Credit: Adobe Stock

The noise transmitted by industrial and home devices, cars and aircrafts can be reduced by controlling microvibration of the their housings. A scientific and industrial network led by the Silesian University of Technology is working on noise reduction systems.

The university reports that a dozen universities, companies and institutions from around the world will collaborate on the research project 'Active Reduction of Noise Transmitted Into and From Enclosures Through Encapsulated Structures - IN-NOVA'. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), noise is the second most common cause of modern civilization diseases.

Professor Marek Pawełczyk, the project coordinator and Vice-Rector of the Silesian University of Technology for science and development explains that the goal will be to reduce burdensome noise passing through closed housings of machines and devices and into the interiors of aircrafts and cars.

'This can be explained on the example of a plane fuselage sheathing as a sound-absorbing barrier for the noise transmitted from engines to the passenger cabin. Our solution will allow to control the microvibration of it layers, transforming the sheathing into a natural noise barrier', the professor says.

He explains that noise is currently reduced passively, with sound-acoustic barriers. According to scientists, these methods are insufficient. 'Only very thick and heavy materials could be effective. However, in the age of mineral raw materials reduction, such solutions are unacceptable', Pawełczyk says. 'Lower weight also means lower energy consumption. Therefore, we should look for other, more effective solutions that not only reduce noise, but also the weight and size of devices with responsible use of materials'.

The project will continue for 4 years with a budget of approx. EUR 2.7 million from the Horizon Europe programme. The results will include technical solutions, standards and certification methods. Scientific activities will include doctoral dissertations, publications and patent applications. The project takes into account the organization of conferences, trainings and promotional activities for new noise reduction methods, and the creation of spin-off companies.

The following scientific institutions will collaborate with the Silesian University of Technology: KU Leuven, University College London, University of Southampton, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Otto-Von-Geuricke Universitaet Magdeburg, German Aerospace Center (DLR) and companies: Airbus, Siemens, Analog Devices, Muller-BBM. The project will also involve scientists from research universities: Hong-Kong Polytechnic University, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Kansai University, Qatar University and Universidad Austral of Chile. The project is also supported by the Polish Central Office of Measures, Noise Abatement Society, Stadler and Diehl Aviation.

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