Polish graphene joins forces | Science in Poland

Polish graphene joins forces

Eight Polish institutions have joined forces and work together to commercialise Polish graphene solutions. Graphene in Poland is an initiative of innovators from Polish scientific institutions and private companies.

Representatives of Graphene in Poland told PAP about the initiative.

"The initiative Graphene in Poland was established by the research community in collaboration with the industrial sector to commercially use Polish scientific achievements" - said the creator of one of the methods for the production of high-quality graphene, Dr. Włodzimierz Strupiński from the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology in Warsaw. Members of Graphene in Poland are: Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Lodz University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Faculties of Physics of the University of Warsaw and the University of Lodz, companies Nano Carbon, Advanced Graphene Products (AGP) and SECO/WARWICK.

Graphene in Poland was launched during the international conference Graphene Week in Warsaw. At the conference, institutions jointly present prototype devices using graphene.

Graphene, or monatomic layer of carbon, has a number of properties that do not occur together in any other material. It is extremely durable, flexible, transparent, conducts heat and electricity, and it can be an insulator. Its uses are being tested in many areas. It can be used, among others, to construct a flexible smartphones, more efficient solar cells, ultra-sensitive gas detectors, and to develop innovative anticancer therapies. "Graphene started a new era of technology of two-dimensional materials, and Poland as one of the leaders in this field sets the directions of innovative development" - said Dr. Strupiński.

"The first joint action of the initiative is Polish exhibition zone at Graphene Week, where we present prototypes of graphene-based devices" - said Prof. Katarzyna Pietrzak, Scientific Director at the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology. Graphene Week is the world\'s most important conference on graphene, organized as part of Graphene Flagship - the largest EU research program in history. Poland was asked to host this year\'s event in recognition of the contributions to the study of graphene.

Institutions forming Graphene in Poland have something to be proud of: scientists from the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology have invented a unique method of production of graphene on silicon carbide, they can also coat a layer of germanium with graphene. According to experts, these two technologies could revolutionize electronics. Researchers at the institute have also managed to cover industrial-sized copper sheet (50 cm x 50 cm) with the new material, which is an achievement on a global scale. The institute employees have also built a heating glass with a layer of graphene and the world\'s first, market-ready graphene-based magnetic field sensor.

Lodz University of Technology, in turn, has developed a unique large-surface graphene HSMG ® (High Strength Metallurgical Graphene ®), which is produced on liquid metal. The university together with SECO/WARWICK has also created GraphRoll. This material will enable the construction of explosion-proof fuel tanks for hydrogen-powered cars.

Warsaw University of Technology is developing the Graphene Laboratory, whose employees are working on a considerable reduction of costs of obtaining graphene. In cooperation with the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, the university has also developed the following inventions using graphene: intelligent materials for filtration of drinking water, conductive pastes and inks for printing, wireless glucose sensor, resistive pressure sensor and a flexible display for electronics.

"We are exceptional in terms of variety of technologies, scale of production and highest level quality. In this respect, we match world leaders" - summed Vice-rector for Innovation at the Lodz University of Technology, Prof. Piotr Kula.

As part of the initiative Graphene in Poland, the companies Nano Carbon and Advanced Graphene Products - spin-off of Lodz University of Technology - will deal with the commercialisation of the results of Polish research. AGP plans to market graphene components of composites for the aerospace and automotive industries. Both companies will have the support of SECO/WARWICK Group, a manufacturer of Graphmaster equipment for the production of large format graphene.

"The world\'s largest companies are already investing in graphene, but this market is still very young. Poland still has a chance to find a niche in cooperation with business" - said Prof. Mariusz Zdrojek from Warsaw University of Technology.

PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland

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