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Warsaw scientists study extinct reptile with extremely long cervical vertebrae

Neck elongation is not unusual among extinct reptiles. It usually involves more cervical vertebrae. However, Tanystropheus' extremely long neck consisted of only 13 vertebrae, but they were extremely elongated, show palaeontologists including researchers from the University of Warsaw.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Polish scientists investigate glacial recession and Arctic ecosystem

    Recession, or the retreating glaciers, is one of the most visible phenomena in the polar regions. Scientists from the Institute of Geophysics and the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences have just completed field work in the project investigating its possible impact on changes in the Arctic ecosystem.

  • Credit: Marcin Kluczek

    Peatland vegetation diseases can be detected with AI and satellite systems

    AI algorithms combined with satellite Earth observation systems effectively detect diseases of peatland vegetation, according to research conducted by scientists from the Remote Sensing Centre of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Humans have ‘indisputably’ caused global warming by emitting greenhouse gases, says scientists

    Reports published in recent years leave no doubt about human responsibility for contemporary global warming. 'It is indisputable that humans have caused global warming by emitting greenhouse gases,’ say members of the Climate Crisis Advisory Team at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Concrete, microplastics and implants will be all that remains of humanity, says geologist

    Concrete and microplastics will remain in layers corresponding to our geological period. Fillings, metal and plastic implants and plastic clothes will also survive, Professor Jan Zalasiewicz, a geologist and proponent of the establishment of the geological epoch called Anthropocene, told PAP.

  • Credit: Tomasz Wawrzyniak

    Water temperature in river on Spitsbergen is rising faster than expected

    The water temperature in the Arctic Fuglebekken River in Svalbard increased by 6 degrees Celsius between 2005 and 2022. Scientists from the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, who studied this variability, emphasize that they did not expect such large increases.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Land of Extinct Volcanoes joins UNESCO Global Geoparks

    The Land of Extinct Volcanoes located in the Western Sudetes was added to the UNESCO list of Global Geoparks last week. It is the third Polish geopark in the UNESCO Global Geoparks network.

  • Adobe Stock, Warta

    Condition of surface waters in Poland is rather bad, just like in the West, says ecohydrologist

    Despite the huge progress that has been made over several decades, the situation of Polish surface waters is rather bad, although it is no different from Western Europe in this respect. A lot can be changed with simple methods, says Dr. Paweł Jarosiewicz, an ecohydrologist from the University of Lodz.

  • Śnieżka - the highest peak of the Giant Mountains and Sudetes, where some of the research was conducted (ak/ibor) PAP/Aleksander Koźmiński

    New numerical model sheds light on volcanism on Earth, Moon and Mars

    Scientists from the Space Research Center at the Polish Academy of Sciences have developed a new numerical model of magma intrusion into the crust of the Earth and other planetary bodies. It will help better understand the mechanics of volcanoes, including the past volcanic activity on the Moon and Mars.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Warm February is the result of global climate change

    Warm February is not an ordinary anomaly; it fits into the picture of global warming. This must be taken seriously, Professor Bogdan Chojnicki from the University of Life Sciences in Poznań told PAP. In his opinion, this is a picture of system-wide climate change.

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    Tardigrades are like Mandalorians, says expert

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Credit: Adobe Stock

Tardigrades are like Mandalorians, says expert

Cryptobiosis, or latent life, is an extraordinary mechanism because of the resilience it gives to organisms that can enter it. Learning the limits of this resilience is important, for example, in the context of astrobiology and whether any forms of terrestrial life are able to survive beyond our planet, said Dr. Weronika Erdmann from Adam Mickiewicz University.