Professor Karol Życzkowski from the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University acquired funding of over EUR 2.25 million for the implementation of a quantum mechanics research project. The research will be financed by the European Research Council under the ERC Advanced Grant 2023 competition.
This is the first grant awarded to a scientist from the Jagiellonian University within the framework of the Advanced Grant scheme, which is addressed to the most experienced scientists who carry out groundbreaking research.
'This is a top-shelf grant, the most difficult one to obtain. Receiving it is, of course, a personal success for Professor Karol Żykowski, but also a success for the university, because the professor's entire scientific path is connected with the Jagiellonian University', said the university’s rector Professor Jacek Popiel.
Professor Życzkowski's TAtypic project is concerned with quantum mechanics and, in particular, with structures that may be relevant to the development of quantum information theory and quantum technologies. According to the university’s press release, the main objective is to investigate the properties of typical quantum states and channels, and to identify distinguished structures with extreme properties useful for quantum information processing.
The ERC Advanced Grant is a prestigious grant competition in Europe, in which researchers apply for grants for ambitious research projects. The results obtained during the implementation of such projects often lead to scientific breakthroughs.
Życzkowski is a professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Jagiellonian University. He also works at the Centre for Theoretical Physics at the Polish Academy of Sciences and serves as the President of the Kraków Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 2014 he has topped the list of living Jagiellonian University researchers included in the ranking of the world's Top 2% of researchers by Elsevier and Stanford University. (PAP)
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