The creation of a register of genetically modified crops - this will be the result of the amendment to the Law on Microorganisms and Genetically Modified Organisms signed by President Andrzej Duda. The amendment also assumes that the Republic of Poland is a GMO-free country.
The purpose of the amendment is to incorporate the EU directive regulating the issues of "the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms " into the Polish legal system. In addition, it implements the ruling of the European Court of Justice from 2014. It concerns Poland`s non-compliance with EU rules on reporting, registration and public notification of GMO cultivation.
The new law establishes a register of genetically modified crops. To enter the crop into the register, consent is required of all owners of real estate located within a radius of 30 km from the external borders of the plot on which GMO cultivation is planned. Another requirement is documentation confirming that the cultivation of GMOs will not have a negative impact on environmental safety and positive opinions on the intention of cultivation issued by the commune council, the poviat council and the local parliament. In addition, the area where GMO cultivation is planned may not be located less than 30 km from the established forms of nature conservation.
The new law also introduces detailed legal solutions design to exclude all genetically modified crops from Polish agriculture. At the outset, these provisions establish a rule providing that the Republic of Poland is a GMO-free country.
The amendment introduces fines and prison terms from three months to 12 years (depending on the offence) for the offenders.
The law will enter into force 3 months after its publication. (PAP)
author: Anna Wysoczańska
awy/ son/ kap/
tr. RL