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2024 in Polish science: Remains of first Slavs, space missions and animals from millions of years ago

Polish satellite launches, surprising discoveries of animals from hundreds of millions of years ago and archaeological finds that may change scientists' previous findings – these are some of the most important events in Polish science in 2024.

  • Credit: AGH UST in Kraków

    Swiss team wins 10th edition of European Rover Challenge in Kraków

    The Swiss FHNW Rover Team won the 10th edition of the European Rover Challenge, a competition for Mars rovers. Twenty four teams representing universities from all over the world participated in the competition in Kraków, in the so-called Marsyard - a space inspired by the Red Planet.

  • Photo: Leszek Możdżer played two pianos during the Nowe Obroty festival: a classically tuned piano (left) and a decaphonic piano (right). Source: Nowe Obroty press release.

    Octave divided into 10 parts. Scientists prepare decaphonic piano for jazz legend Leszek Możdżer

    A classic acoustic piano can be tuned on a 10-note scale, instead of the traditional 12-note scale. The sound of this instrument was demonstrated by pianist Leszek Możdżer with the help of Polish scientists.

  • Credit: Radosław Kaźmierczak, University of Silesia

    The KATOPOLIS show opens the European City of Science Katowice 2024

    The music and acting show KATOPOLIS marked the official opening of the European City of Science Katowice 2024 last weekend. The title, given by EuroScience in cooperation with the European Commission, was awarded to a city from Central and Eastern Europe for the first time in history.

  • Maria Skłodowska-Curie. Photo PAP/CAF-ARCHIVE

    120 years since first Nobel Prize for Maria Skłodowska-Curie

    One hundred and twenty years ago, Maria Skłodowska-Curie and her husband Piotr Curie received the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the phenomenon of radioactivity and research on it. The other half of the prize went to Henri Becquerel, who was the first to observe the penetrating radiation of uranium ore. Skłodowska was the first woman to be honoured in this way.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Warsaw to host 1st World Congress of Polish Education and Science Abroad in July

    Meetings with scientists and experts who promote Polish science and education around the world are planned during the 1st World Congress of Polish Education and Science Abroad, which will be held on July 5-9 in Warsaw. The schedule includes panel discussions, popular science lectures, workshops and training sessions.


    2022: The most important events in Polish and world science

    A breakthrough in research on obtaining energy from nuclear fusion, the release of images from the James Webb Space Telescope, the launch of the space mission Artemis, in which Poles also participated, the discovery of Endurance - the ship of Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton, new findings concerning COVID-19, selection of a Polish researcher to join ESA Astronaut Reserve - these are some of the important scientific events of 2022.

  • Sławosz Uznański. Credit: Tomek Gola. Source: POLSA

    Polish scientist selected to join ESA Astronaut Reserve

    The European Space Agency selected Sławosz Uznański, a Polish scientist, to join ESA Astronaut Reserve. In addition to the 11 reserve astronauts, ESA also selected six primary corps astronauts. Their names were announced last week in Paris.

  • Credit: Fotolia

    International researchers of Polish history to meet in Kraków

    International researchers of Polish history, culture and language will meet in October in Kraków where the Pro Historia Polonorum Award for the best foreign historical book about Poland or Poles will be presented.

  • Kielce, 11.09.2021. The rover presented as part of the European Rover Challenge on the campus of the Kielce University of Technology Credit: PAP/Piotr Polak

    DuqueESA astronaut to speak at European Rover Challenge in Kielce

    Pedro Duque, the first Spaniard in space, will be a special guest of the Mars robot competition European Rover Challenge (ERC 2022) in Kielce. Scientific competition and debates on September 9-11 will be accompanied by popular science attractions for visitors and a tasting of 'space dishes'.

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  • The image displayed in front of the eyes is visible in the movement of photosensitive cells on the retina. Credit: M. Wojtkowski

    Polish researchers observe eye cells seeing something

  • Does history of epidemics influence contemporary social behaviour?

  • Experts: Cats belong at home, otherwise they threaten wild species, including protected ones

  • Polish researchers analyse Inca pilgrimages to volcanic peaks

  • Space sector experts call for procedures concerning incidents involving 'space junk'


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Why cuckoo calls sometimes sound differently and what it means

Cuckoos can change the structure of their voice and song due to various factors. New experiments show that the modified version of the cuckoo call draws less attention from other cuckoos than the classic 'cuckoo'. This may mean that males with impaired song are at a disadvantage when competing for females and territory.