Students from Wrocław best in business

Students of the Wrocław University of Economics beat all its competitors in the finals of the Polish edition of the international competition Global Business Challenge.

Global Business Challenge (GBC) is organized every year by CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants). Is selects the brightest business leaders of the younger generation. Participants have to analyse a real business scenario and present innovative solutions to the presented problems. Every year, GBC attracts students from all over the world, including Great Britain, Hong Kong, South Africa and Russia.

Wrocław University of Economics spokeswoman Jolanta Nowacka told PAP that the winning team members are students of the Faculty of Management, Informatics and Finance: Jakub Blocher, Jakub Czakon, Tomasz Brzęczek and Bartłomiej Zieliński. They will compete in the world finals of the competition in South Africa in Johannesburg. The best team will be awarded prizes and CIMA certificates.

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) is an institute offering training in finance management to professionals. The institute offers an international program of professional qualifications in the field of management accountancy. CIMA currently has more than 200 thousand members and students in 173 countries around the world. The training program is dedicated exclusively to training professionals for work in a business environment. CIMA’s main area of qualification interest is business management and the role of strategic management information in the process. CIMA qualification is popular among consultants, financial advisors, executives responsible for the planning and control processes, and company decision-makers.

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