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How to exercise to effectively improve your mood? Jagiellonian University scientists investigate

Each person's brain reacts slightly differently to physical activity. For example, one person may feel an improvement in mood after an intensive bike ride, while another may feel the opposite. Scientists from the Jagiellonian University have shown that the brain activation patterns of these people run differently during the same exercise.

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    Study: With more concrete in city space, fewer chicks survive spring

    If half of the green space in a city is covered with concrete, the number of young birds flying out of the nesting boxes in that area will be halved, scientists from the University of Warsaw have shown. The results of their study also provide precise data that can be used by decision-makers.

  • Examples of rings made of lead glass. Photo from press release

    Lead glass jewellery was mass-produced in medieval Poland

    Lead glass jewellery was mass-produced in medieval Poland, and the raw material for the production of beads or rings came from Polish deposits. In Poland, there were workshops where semi-finished products were processed and jewellery was made, new research by Polish archaeologists confirms.

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    Scientists from Lodz University of Technology are looking for ways to reuse wood from demolitions

    Scientists from Lodz University of Technology are looking for solutions that will allow to reuse wood from demolitions as a building material. They received an EU grant for the project 'WoodStock Horizon Europe: a new future of wood in architecture', headed by Antonio Nevešćanin, PhD.

  • Structures manufactured using additive technologies (credit: Wrocław University of Science and Technology)

    Scientists from Wrocław University of Science and Technology are working on new materials for military ships

    A team of scientists from Wrocław University of Science and Technology has joined an international consortium that does research on new stealth technology materials for warships, the Wrocław university representatives report.

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    Polish researchers investigate virus linked to obesity

    Obesity is not just a matter of lifestyle, hormonal disorders or genetics. There are viruses whose link to the occurrence of this disease has been confirmed in studies. Scientists from Wrocław were the first in the world to detect the presence of one of them also in dogs and cats living with humans.

  • 09.07.2024. PAP/Marcin Gadomski

    Marine ecologist: Creating seal reserves in Polish waters makes no sense

    Seals do not constitute a permanent population off the Polish coast, they only 'pay visits' to rest on the shallows and take advantage of easy access to food, says marine ecologist, Professor Jan Marcin Węsławski. That is why, in his opinion, proposals to create seal reserves in Polish waters make no sense.

  • Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). Credit: Adobe Stock

    Saving Poland's oldest 'vegetarian piranha', huge aquarium needed

    A rescue operation for a 40-year-old 'vegetarian piranha' is underway at the Sea Fishing Museum in Świnoujście. After the huge aquarium cracked, the fish was moved to a pallet tank provided by firefighters. A new permanent home for it will be ready in 2 weeks or so.

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    Declining genetic diversity threatens species crucial for human survival, scientists warn

    A decline in genetic diversity concerns two thirds of species of organisms, warns an international team of scientists, which also includes Polish researchers. This means that in the face of significant climate changes, many common species crucial for human survival may not become extinct.

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    Study: Depression and stress related to war in Ukraine also strongly affected Polish students

    Polish students reported high levels of depression and stress after Russia's aggression against Ukraine, higher than Ukrainian students, an international study has shown. The result is consistent with other analyses indicating that students from conflict-free countries often experience greater stress than those from war zones.

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    Polish researchers investigate virus linked to obesity

  • Even intelligent machines can be manipulated like puppets

  • Declining genetic diversity threatens species crucial for human survival, scientists warn

  • Lead glass jewellery was mass-produced in medieval Poland

  • How to exercise to effectively improve your mood? Jagiellonian University scientists investigate


09.07.2024. PAP/Marcin Gadomski

Marine ecologist: Creating seal reserves in Polish waters makes no sense

Seals do not constitute a permanent population off the Polish coast, they only 'pay visits' to rest on the shallows and take advantage of easy access to food, says marine ecologist, Professor Jan Marcin Węsławski. That is why, in his opinion, proposals to create seal reserves in Polish waters make no sense.