
Border University Network established

Border University Network - a consortium of nine universities in Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia - has been established at the University of Bialystok. It will enable closer research and teaching cooperation of affiliated universities.

The initiator and leader of the network is the University of Bialystok. Apart from the University of Bialystok, universities in Kaunas, Lithuania, Grodno and Brest in Belarus, Lviv and Ternopil in Ukraine and Kaliningrad and Voronezh in Russia have joined the network.

According to the agreement signed by the universities, the parties declare "partner cooperation for research, education of students, and development of academic contacts between students, academics and researchers".

Scientific cooperation will include joint applications for international grants and performance of research projects, exchange of research and implementation services, and access to infrastructure and equipment in joint projects. One of the most important goals is creating a common educational offer. This would be international studies, with the possibility of competing part of the program at partner universities, and graduates would receive a joint diploma.

According to the University of Bialystok rector Prof. Leonard Etel, with the consortium the universities will be "bigger, stronger and more visible" so that together "they can to effectively compete in the market for European grants". Rector believes that the consortium has the potential to effectively apply for these funds, and the funds so acquired will enable cooperation in other areas, such as research or teaching.

Another university will soon join the consortium. This will be the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in Smolensk, Russia.

The consortium plans for this year include the appointment of proxies, selecting faculties for Erasmus Plus, launching a website and developing the concept of an international newspaper of the network.

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