The only Polish film award at The Archaeology Channel film festival

Fictionalised popular science documentary "Isle of Princes", presenting the residence of the first Piasts on Ostrow Lednicki, received Honorable Mention for Animation & Special Effects.

The International Film and Video Festival organized by The Archaeology Channel took place on 9-13 May in Eugene, Oregon, U.S. Of the 113 films submitted from 24 countries, the jury selected the best 18 productions for the final screenings. In this group was the film "Isle of Princes" from the series "Secrets of Polish Origins" directed by Zdzisław Cozac. In the main competition "Isle of Princes" was awarded for animation and special effects.

"This is a particularly prestigious category in which it is difficult to compete with Western European and American producers" - said Zdzisław Cozac.

Earlier, the film won the ARKEOLAN award at the 13th International Archaeological Film Festival of the Bidasoa in Spain. The filmmakers show the monuments of Ostrow Lednicki in Greater Poland. Based on studies, they present the most probable hypothesis about the events on the island, since the construction of bridges in 963 until the invasion of the Czech prince Bretislaus in 1039. The final effect was achieved through the use of special effects, namely modelling and animating the Lednica castle and its facilities.

Film series "Secrets of Polish Origins" is an original project by Zdzisław Cozac, co-produced by TVP Historia and subsidized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. So far, the following films have been produced: "Trzcinica - Carpathian Troy" about the fortified settlement from the Bronze Age and the early Middle Ages in Trzcinica near Jasło, "Isle of Princes" about the residence of Mieszko I and Boleslaw the Brave on Ostrow Lednicki, and "The City of the Sunken Gods" about Wolin, the largest early medieval port of Slavs.

The director is currently working on another film in the series, "Hidden Nest of the Dynasty", which will present early medieval Kalisz, based on the hypothesis of the origin of the Piast dynasty.

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