The image of the area on the border of Canada and Greenland has been selected the most beautiful satellite photo of the Earth taken from space (from the CREODIAS.eu platform) in the competition 'Seize the beauty of our planet'.
Stunning photos of the earth taken from space have wowed judges at a completion organised by Warsaw company CloudFerro.
In first place was an image of the border of Canada and Greenland entitled 'Once upon a time on Ice Floe' by Adam Wasilewski.
Taken by Copernicus programme Sentinel-2 satellite in July 2020, the photo was voted the most beautiful on the CREODIAS.eu platform.
In total, 13 photos were selected in the competition 'Seize the beauty of our planet', announced in September by CloudFerro.
The winners of the first seven places were selected by Internet users through an open online vote, and another six winners were chosen by a jury composed of representatives of the European Commission, the European Space Agency and CloudFerro.
The competition photos come from the CREODIAS platform, a DIAS (Data and Information Access Service) operated by CloudFerro as part of the European Earth observation programme Copernicus.
The CREODIAS platform enables open and free access to satellite images and provides tools and cloud computing resources for their processing.
Users do not have to download satellite images to their computers or have their own IT infrastructure necessary to run a project of this type.
Data can be processed directly on the CREODIAS platform.
To see more competition photos, visit the website.
PAP - Science in Poland
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Gallery (3 images)
1/3Photo: Adam Wasilewski. Source: CREODIAS
2/3Photo: Magdalena Świerczek-Gryboś. Source: CREODIAS
3/3Photo: Adriana Marcinkowska-Ochtyra. Source: CREODIAS