
POLSA and NASA sign agreement on Moon and Mars exploration

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The Polish Space Agency (POLSA) has signed an agreement with NASA to develop multilateral Moon and Mars exploration programmes.

The agreement gives Polish institutions and enterprises the opportunity to participate in NASA's Artemis Program, an effort to return humans to the Moon by 2024 and expand space exploration. 

POLSA president Grzegorz Wrochna said that Polish companies and institutions have been successfully cooperating with NASA, ESA, DLR JAXA and CNSA for years. 

He said: “In the last 40 years, more than 80 instruments designed and built by Polish scientists and engineers have been used in various international space missions.” 

He added that the decade of Polish participation in the European Space Agency “resulted in a dynamic development of the Polish space sector, in which more than 350 Polish companies already operate”, and that joining the Artemis Accords is “another important step in developing the potential of the Polish space sector in the international arena.”

The Polish Space Agency (POLSA) is an executive agency of the Ministry of Development and Technology, established in 2014. Its task is to support the Polish space industry by implementing the priorities of the Polish Space Strategy. 

POLSA cooperates with international agencies and state administration in the area of space research and use. It is responsible for the promotion of the Polish space sector at home and abroad. 

It also conducts informational and educational activities concerning the use of satellite technologies (including navigation, observation and communication) in the economy, administration and daily life. (PAP)

author: Magdalena Jarco

maja/ skr/ kap/

tr. RL

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