
App attack! New app to hunt for illegal provisions in contracts

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Credit: Fotolia

An app that can detect irregularities in contracts is to be developed by the National Information Processing Institute - National Research Institute.

With the app, an employee of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection will be able to quickly verify a contract, and remove those containing illegalities. 

The institute’s director Dr. Jarosław Protasiewicz said: “Each of us purchases goods and services, and unfortunately we often do not have time to check the contract provisions. 

“Now artificial intelligence comes to our aid. Thanks to our tool, an employee of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection will be able to quickly check the provisions of the contract, even before receiving a possible consumer complaint.”

He added: “In our institute, artificial intelligence is already used to identify plagiarism, support prostate cancer diagnostics, study emotion based on texts. I am glad that our experts now will implement a tool that will support safe and responsible purchases.”

The ultimate goal of the project is to accelerate the analysis of a large number of data processed by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, as well as automate activities that can be performed using artificial intelligence. 

The institute won the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection competition for the development and implementation of the application, organized as part of the Artificial Intelligence for Consumer Protection Empowerment project, co-financed by the EU.

The app’s completion is scheduled for the end of 2022. It will be financed as part of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection competition - The Development of AI-based Software to Analyse Text of Contract Templates Used in Consumer Trading to Search for Illegal Clauses in Contract Templates in B2C Relations.

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