
SWPS University joins European Reform University Alliance

03.06.2015. PAP/Jakub Kamiński
03.06.2015. PAP/Jakub Kamiński

Warsaw’s SWPS University has become the first private university in Poland to achieve 'European university status’ after joining the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) as an associated partner.

The ERUA is an alliance of five universities formed as part of the European University Initiative established and financed by the European Commission.

Rector of the SWPS University, Professor Roman Cieślak, said that the goal of the program is to develop universities of the future, institutions, which support European values and European identity, universities that excel in the quality of education, research, innovation and can compete with other universities around the world.

He said: “We are the first, and so far the only non-public university in Poland that has been invited to the family of European Universities.’

Joining ERUA was the main priority of SWPS University's new 2022-2025 International Strategy.

The ERUA members are the University of Paris 8 (France), Roskilde University (Denmark), University of Konstanz (Germany), University of the Aegean (Greece) and New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria). The SWPS University has the status of an associated partner. 

Its official accession may take place in the first half of 2023 after the conclusion of the European Universities Initiative competition, financed by the European Commission, announced for November 2022.

European Universities are transnational alliances that will lead the way towards the universities of the future. The term university includes all types of higher education institutions. They must comprise at least three higher education institutions from three EU member states or other Erasmus programme countries.

The basic assumptions of this undertaking include, among others: a co-envisioned long-term strategy focused on sustainability, excellence and European values and a joint European campus of higher education. This means that students, doctoral students and employees can smoothly move to study, train, learn, conduct research, work or provide services in all partner institutions.

PAP - Science in Poland,  Szymon Zdziebłowski

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