
Climate scientist: Last year was the second warmest in Europe in over 70 years

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The year 2022 was the fifth warmest globally, but in Europe it was the year with the second highest average air temperature, told PAP Dr. Michał Marosz, a climate scientist from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute.

According to Dr. Marosz, 'based on the ERA5 reanalysis, in Europe the summer of 2022 was the warmest one in the last 70 years' 'We also had a warm autumn - it was the third warmest', he added.

'Looking at the long-term temperature variability in Poland, the year 2022 was the seventh warmest since 1951. The warmest year was 2019, with an average air temperature of 10.2 degrees Celsius. Last year, the average temperature was 9.5 degrees Celsius, while the 30-year average (1991-2020) was 8.7 degrees Celsius', the climate scientist said.

He pointed out that 'winds of significant speeds, which caused major damage last year, point to significant dynamics in the climate system'. 'We are currently facing a similar situation. The year 2023 started with very high air temperature values, record-high for winter. Remember that in Warsaw at the beginning of January we recorded 18.9 degrees Celsius. Then, within just 3 days, temperature dropped by about 20 degrees Celsius', he said.

He also mentioned the 'intensity of last year's heat waves'. 'In Europe, in Italy, they began in May and June, and there were several of them. In Poland, we had a strong heat wave in late June and early July, when we also recorded very high temperatures. Across most of the country, temperatures exceeded 30 degrees Celsius. More frequent occurrence and greater intensity of extreme phenomena is one of the main manifestations of climate change', Dr. Marosz concluded.(PAP)

Author: Wojciech Kamiński

wnk/ jann/ kap/

tr. RL

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