Polish scientists publish a lot about artificial intelligence compared to the rest of Europe, but their impact measured by citation rate is low.
In January, the National Information Processing Institute - National Research Institute (OPI PIB) published a report based on the Scopus database (a scientific database) presenting the number of publications on artificial intelligence and their citation rate in scientific and technical journals. The report shows that from 2010 to 2021, scientists worldwide published 949,000 papers on artificial intelligence.
Polish researchers prepared nearly 14,000 publications, putting them in fifth place (behind Germany, France, Italy and Spain) among EU countries.
Dr. Agata Frankowska from OPI PIB told PAP: “Unfortunately, the citation rate of papers on artificial intelligence, i.e. the intensity of references to Polish papers by other researchers, is lower than the average level of citations in this area in the world. Our analysis shows that they are cited 34 percent less often.”
According to the Scopus database, the largest numbers of papers on artificial intelligence in Poland were published by researchers from technical universities: AGH University of Science and Technology (1358), Warsaw University of Technology (1,292), Wrocław University of Science and Technology (1,256) and Silesian University of Technology (1,144). The papers of scientists from these institutions accounted for 27 percent of all Polish publications on artificial intelligence in the field of science and technology. The Bydgoszcz University of Technology and the University of Social Sciences in Warsaw had an above-average citation rate.
Dr. Frankowska said: “With an average number of publications, which puts Denmark in 15th place in the EU ranking, Danish papers have a significant impact: they were cited 32 percent more often than the average.”
Dutch and German publications ranked high in terms of citation rate. Papers by scientists from Latvia and Bulgaria were the least cited.
The report shows that countries with a higher percentage of international papers usually have a greater impact.
Frankowska said: “This means that establishing international cooperation can help increase the visibility and impact of scientific publications.”
In the case of Poland, the level of international cooperation on scientific papers on artificial intelligence is low compared to Europe: only 27 percent of papers on AI in the field of science and technology, prepared in 2010–2021, were internationally co-authored.
The report also shows that China is the leader among countries in terms of the number of publications, with a total of 257,000 papers in the period 2010-2021.
But the significant number of publications by Chinese researchers does not go hand in hand with their high citation rate: they are cited 20 percent less often than the world average, while the American papers - 75 percent more often. Interestingly, although China and the United States compete strongly for the status of a leader in the development of artificial intelligence, they also cooperate the most - 10 percent of all publications in international co-authorship were prepared by scientists from these two countries (19.8 thousand papers).
The report is available on the website. (PAP)
Author: Szymon Zdziebłowski
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