Prizes & Awards

Polish scientist wins prestigious photo competition

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Credit: Adobe Stock

Polish scientist Dr. Maciej Majdecki won first prize in the photo competition of ChemistryViews, a magazine published by the association Chemistry Europe.

The challenged of this year's competition was to share photos showing creativity and passion for chemistry. Organizers were looking for photos that were 'visually stunning, interesting, creative, beautiful, or thought-provoking'.

Dr. Majdecki won first prize for his photo 'Diversity of NMR Sample'. 

He told the magazine: 'The true beauty and the astonishing variety of colours in these solutions can only be fully appreciated under a UV lamp. 

‘This is the captivating world of fluorescence that I have the privilege to witness daily and immortalize in my photographs.’

The scientist (currently a postdoc) works on the development of novel materials for organic electronics. 

He said: ’The primary focus of my research lies in the intriguing field of singlet fission. A prominent group of organic compounds I've worked on extensively is acene derivatives. These molecules exhibit extraordinary properties that can be harnessed to enhance the efficiency of solar cell systems.’

The researcher shares photos and videos from the laboratory on his social media (X, Instagram).

The second prize in the competition went to Colleen Rosales from OpenAQ/University of California in Davis (USA), and the third prize to Antonio Diego Molina-Garcia from ICTAN-CSIC (Spain).

Chemistry Europe is an association of 16 chemical societies from 15 European countries, representing over 75,000 chemists. 

It publishes high-quality scholarly chemistry journals, covering a very broad range of disciplines. (PAP)

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