Geese of old Polish varieties have good musculature and low carcass fatness, and their meat is reach in protein and minerals, according to the study conducted by scientists from the Wrocław University of Economics.
According to the spokeswoman of Wrocław University of Economics Jolanta Nowacka, study has been conducted jointly with the staff of the National Research Institute of Animal Production in Kraków-Balice.
The researchers examined the technological and nutritional properties of two goose varieties from the southern Poland - Lublin and Kielce varieties, and two from the northern part of the country – Kartuzy and Suwałki varieties.
"These geese, like nine other breeds and varieties, are covered by the national program for the conservation of genetic resources and kept at the Water Poultry Genetic Resources Conservation Station of the Institute in Dworzyska. The conservation program covers approximately 4,600 geese" - reported the spokeswoman.
Scientists believe that old local goose varieties have a high resistance to disease, are well-muscled, and their carcasses are not excessively fatty. "Variations from the south are smaller and have less fat. Geese from the north are the opposite. They have a strong body structure, they are larger and more muscular" - added Nowacka.
The researchers also examined the taste and nutritional value of four goose varieties. The research shows that Kartuzy goose has the best tenderness and juiciness of the meat. This variety is characterized by the highest content of omega-3 fatty acids which prevent atherosclerosis, hypertension and heart attacks.
All tested varieties are characterized by a high content of protein and minerals, including potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. "Also, frying meat returns a large amount of fat, which is comparable with olive oil. It is used to make excellent lard, but it is also ideal for frying and making sauces" - added the spokeswoman.
PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland
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