Wisent like to walk the same paths | Science in Poland

Wisent like to walk the same paths

Bison like to roam the same paths, they also have favourite mid-forest clearings, according to the observations of these animals in three forests in north-eastern Poland. The study was conducted using collars with transmitters carried by 19 wisent.

For a year now scientists have been observing wisent with satellite transmitters in the Bialowieża, Knyszyńska and Borecka Forest as part of the project "Protection of wisent in situ (in the environment - PAP)", carried out by experts from Warsaw University of Life Sciences together with eight forest inspectorates in the north-eastern Poland and the Bialowieża National Park. The project is co-financed by the EU Life program.

The purpose of the observations is to determine the specific spots where wisent dwell, in what times of the year, on which paths and how far they wander, what habitats they choose and what conditions they prefer. All this will expand the existing knowledge on the movements of these animals and their preferred food.

Deputy director of Bialowieża National Park Alexander Bołbot, who participates in the project, told PAP that scientists observed, for example, that one male from a freely wandering herd in the Bialowieża Forest migrated to the neighboring Knyszyńska Forest and settled there. This shows that the free migrations of wisent are possible. According to data from the transmitters, the animal remains in the area of Kruszyniany and Białogorce, and probably will not return to the Bialowieża Forest.

Observation also allowed to determine that in the early spring the Bialowieża Forest wisent instead of grass in the meadow prefer anemones and hepatica, which first appear in the undergrowth when it gets warm after winter. "The wisent bison usually come out to the meadow only after the first cut of grass is removed. This is evident when we see a collared animal moving along the edge of the tree stand for a few days, but never crossing onto the open areas" - said Bołbot.

According to observations, wisent in the Bialowieża Forest like to stay in small forest clearings that had once been used as small timber depots and hunting grounds. Bołbot said that it was clear that these places were "an essential element of the movement of animals in the forest. "Sometimes wisent prefer such sites over large open areas.

"The impact of human activities on the behaviour of wisent is clearly visible in Borecka Forest" - said Bołbot. He added that it was associated with the feeding of the local herd. It turns out that even after the winter season, wisent remain near the feeding sites. "This is clearly visible, because the collared animals barely move throughout the year" - he added. He also noted that one could also talk about a repetition of paths the wisent use. They take the same paths, for example, when they migrate from feeding sites to other parts of the forest, and when they return. The reason could be saving energy by wandering familiar paths, but there is no clear assessment. Both cows and bulls behave this way.

"Wisent have a great ability to move, find suitable sites. We observed for example, forming of several groups of wisent that live entirely outside the Forest" - said Bołbot. "The fact that they spread is following their nature, with all the consequences of this process" - he added.

Data from transmitters indicate, for example, that wisent can travel even about 10 km in one day. There are, however, also animals that move only a few hundred meters in that time. Detailed findings of the observation will be formulated in one year. They will include accurate statistical analysis.

The value of the entire "in situ" project, which includes a variety of activities for the wisent, is PLN 12.6 million. 85 percent funds come from the EU Innovative Economy program.

In Poland, just over one thousand bison live in the wild in five free populations, nearly 140 animals in six breeding centres, and more than 50 in other places, such as private farms. Polish wisents mainstay is the Bialowieża Forest, where 504 animals live. (PAP)

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