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Study: Compensations for passengers reduce average EU flight delays

Thanks to the introduction of passenger compensation, average flight delays in the EU have been reduced by almost 5 minutes. This is only seemingly little - in the entire EU over a year, this means a time saving equal to about ten thousand years, according to analyses by a researcher from the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

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    Scientists: Finger length ratio can be diagnostic marker

    Last year's research by a Polish-British team showed that the ratio of the length of the second to fourth digit can suggest which person is more prone to risky alcohol drinking. According to researchers, this ratio can also be a diagnostic marker in conditions related to hormonal disorders and a risk indicator in the prevention of certain diseases.

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    Where did love come from? Psychologists: It supports commitment, like rental agreement

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    Forever chemicals, microplastics, medicines - micropollutants are growing problem for wastewater treatment plants

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    How bacteria rearrange their cells

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    Scientists slow down development of melanoma by modifying immune system cells

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    2024 in Polish science: Remains of first Slavs, space missions and animals from millions of years ago

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    Overcome phobia in virtual reality? It works, research shows

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  • A map fragment; source: Journal of Maps

    Researchers create elaborate map of Pomeranian monsters inspired by Renaissance cartography

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  • Credit: Adobe Stock. AI-generated image

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    Millions of patients around the world are waiting for organs for transplantation, but only a fraction have a chance to receive them. Bioprinting paves the way to the production of personalised organs for patients. Michał Wszoła MD, PhD, used it to develop a bionic pancreas. He wants to implant it in the first patient in 2026.

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    Where did love come from? Psychologists: It supports commitment, like rental agreement

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Adobe Stock

Study: Compensations for passengers reduce average EU flight delays

Thanks to the introduction of passenger compensation, average flight delays in the EU have been reduced by almost 5 minutes. This is only seemingly little - in the entire EU over a year, this means a time saving equal to about ten thousand years, according to analyses by a researcher from the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.