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EagleEye is the first Polish satellite with such a large telescope

EagleEye is a pioneering device - the first Polish satellite with such a large telescope, says Dr. Tomasz Barciński from the Space Research Center at the Polish Academy of Sciences. The largest, most advanced Polish satellite has been launched into orbit.

  • Photo from press release

    Polish space law expert receives Rosalind Franklin Society Award

    The director of the Centre for Space Studies at Poland’s Kozminski University has received the Rosalind Franklin Society 2023 Award for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of space law, the university reports.

  • Credit: Warsaw University of Technology

    Researchers build testing field for Mars rovers in Józefosław near Warsaw

    Will a swarm of autonomous rovers perform scientific exploration of Mars faster and more precisely than currently used rovers? This concept is being tested in Józefosław near Warsaw by researchers from Poland, Switzerland and the USA, as part of a project conducted in cooperation with NASA.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Polish companies develop technology for satellite refuelling in orbit

    If refuelling in orbit were possible, then fully functional satellites would not have to be decommissioned due to lack of fuel. Two centres of the Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation and the Polish company PIAP Space undertook a comprehensive development of all the necessary elements of such a service.

  • credit: Adobe Stock

    Polish company to take over construction of key component in ESA mission

    After Roscosmos has been excluded from the ExoMars mission, Astronika will take over the construction of a key component. It will be responsible for the ramp on which the rover will descend from the lander to the planet's surface.

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    Polish company creates software for ESA space missions

    BitByBit has significantly contributed to the creation of a new European system that provides a unified ground infrastructure for multiple European space missions. The company will participate in the further development and operation of the system.

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    ESA launches new version of European space weather platform

    The European space weather platform, which reports on phenomena that may negatively impact communications, navigation and remote sensing, has been improved by, among others, scientists from the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

  • Fot. Scanway - materiały prasowe

    Scanway presents first images from Ariane 6 rocket flight

    The Polish company Scanway - together with the European Space Agency and ArianeGroup - presented the first photos from the inaugural flight of the Ariane 6 rocket. These images confirm the operation of the vision system offered by Scanway in space conditions, the company reports.

  • 16.05.2024. Dr Sławosz Uznański. PAP/Jakub Kaczmarczyk

    Polish astronaut to learn how to run laboratory experiments before flying to ISS

    Before leaving for the International Space Station, the Polish astronaut will learn how to run experiments in the laboratory. The biological laboratory, modelled on the one on the ISS, is located at the German Space Agency (DLR) in Cologne.

  • Expected (left) and OGLE observed (right) gravitational microlensing events. Credit: J. Skowron / OGLE

    Polish astronomers investigate whether black holes create dark matter

    Black holes are not responsible for the creation of dark matter - according to the observations of Polish astronomers from the OGLE project, who have just presented the results of analyses of 20 years of observational data. They also report that primordial black holes cannot be the source of gravitational waves.

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    Tornado in a box: Twisted Polish idea for quantum memory

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The 'fang' of a large amphibian, mastodonsaurus, found in Miedary. Credit: Tomaz Hitij

Over 100 fossils per week including shark teeth found during archaeological excavations

Palaeontologists discovered over 100 bones of terrestrial and marine animals from 240 million years ago each week during excavations at a site in Miedary (Silesia). Researchers are particularly pleased with several dozen well-preserved shark teeth.