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Experts: People who believe in superiority of humans over other species more likely to trust chatbots

People who believe in the superiority of humans over other species find it easier to trust chatbots, especially when automation is presented to them as an improvement in routine processes, according to joint research conducted by scientists from the University of Lodz and Loyola University Maryland in the USA.

  • Part of the optical path of a blue laser. Credit: DKWOC

    Polish researchers develop prototype quantum computer infrastructure based on calcium ions

    The first prototype of a quantum computer infrastructure in Poland, based on calcium ions, is being developed at the Warsaw University of Technology. This project will help Poland to keep up with the development of quantum technologies, believes the representative of the MIKOK project, Zbigniew Wawrzyniak, PhD, from the Warsaw University of Technology.

  • Credit: Military University of Technology

    New ammunition developed with Polish participation

    The Military University of Technology and Zakłady Metalowe Mesko S.A. are working in an international consortium on the design of the new cartridge and guidelines for the development of weapons adapted to it. The European armaments project is a new look at the system of weapons and small arms ammunition.

  • Presentation of WPUTolyser - an innovative electrolyser for hydrogen production at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. The device was developed by scientists from the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics and Chemical Technology and Engineering. The durable design uses waste materials as catalysts. This results in higher efficiency than commercial solutions based on platinum and iridium. (mb/jm) PAP/Marcin Bielecki

    Szczecin/ Scientists develop electrolyser for hydrogen production based on chemical waste

    A prototype device called WPUTolyser was created by nanomaterials and mechatronics specialists from the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. In this catalyst, which processes water into oxygen and hydrogen, the researchers used iron salts from chemical waste instead of platinum.

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    Military University of Technology prepares optoelectronic systems for quantum computers

    Optoelectronic control of an ion trap, i.e. preparation and launch of a subsystem necessary for conducting quantum experiments - this is the contribution of the Military University of Technology to the first Polish quantum computer. Col. Marek Życzkowski, a professor at the Military University of Technology, talks to PAP about this work.

  • 27.01.2025. Amber Terra - innovative paper created in cooperation between scientists from Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering of the West Pomeranian University of Technology and Arctic Paper, which combines ecology with the needs of the blind. Amber Terra is a paper with increased stiffness and opacity, which is also more environmentally friendly. Researchers used an innovative polymer crosslinker to reduce the amount of wood fibres. (ad) PAP/Marcin Bielecki

    Szczecin/ Innovative paper developed in cooperation between scientists and industry

    Paper with increased stiffness and opacity, environmentally friendly, and suitable for creating documents written in Braille, has been developed by materials scientists from the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin in cooperation with Arctic Paper Kostrzyn.

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    Analysis/ Copy and paste from ChatGPT in top-shelf scientific publications

    Certain awkward phrases characteristic of ChatGPT appear in peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals, according to the analysis conducted by Artur Strzelecki, PhD, a professor at the University of Economics in Katowice. According to the researcher, this may undermine trust in the process of preparing scientific content.

  • Photo from the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences press release

    Space Research Centre PAS: Polish space instrument GLOWS now integrated with NASA satellite

    GLOWS, the first research instrument for a NASA space mission designed and built entirely in Poland, has successfully passed tests and has been integrated with the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences reports. The mission is scheduled to launch in the second half of this year.

  • Credit: Marcin Kowalski/WAT

    Optoelectronics experts help diagnose brain tumours

    Scientists propose a new approach to data analysis that combines convolutional neural networks and extreme learning machines. This solution will enable early detection and precise classification of brain tumours. The new method uses magnetic resonance images.

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    Gdańsk/ Scientists want to use 3D printing to create skin model

    Scientists from three universities in Gdańsk are developing a hydrogel skin dressing using the latest spherical 3D printing technology. This will allow to create patient-specific skin implants in the future.

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  • Bones from the collection of the Archaeological Museum in Kraków. Credit: Dariusz Bobak, Thomas Terberger.

    Research confirms cannibalistic practices of prehistoric inhabitants of Maszycka Cave

  • Wrocław/ Scientists study impact of gut microbiota on testosterone levels

  • Experts: People who believe in superiority of humans over other species more likely to trust chatbots


Bones from the collection of the Archaeological Museum in Kraków. Credit: Dariusz Bobak, Thomas Terberger.

Research confirms cannibalistic practices of prehistoric inhabitants of Maszycka Cave

The latest analysis of over 60 bones from Maszycka Cave (Lesser Poland) shows that people living there 18 thousand years ago practiced cannibalism. This is indicated by traces on the preserved bones, including attempts to extract bone marrow, archaeologist Dariusz Bobak told PAP.