Ewelina Krajczyńska-Wujec


Ewelina Krajczyńska-Wujec


My articles

  • Adobe Stock

    How to exercise to effectively improve your mood? Jagiellonian University scientists investigate

  • Examples of rings made of lead glass. Photo from press release

    Lead glass jewellery was mass-produced in medieval Poland

  • Adobe Stock

    Study: Emotional problems linked to binge eating and food addiction

  • Adobe Stock

    We have an advanced system for assessing pesticide concentrations, as consumers we can feel safe

  • Credit: Dagmara Socha

    Polish researchers analyse Inca pilgrimages to volcanic peaks

  • Bones from the collection of the Archaeological Museum in Kraków. Credit: Dariusz Bobak, Thomas Terberger.

    Research confirms cannibalistic practices of prehistoric inhabitants of Maszycka Cave

  • Credit: Judyta Bąk

    Study: Pre-Columbian tattoos often more intricate than modern ones

  • Source: Mateusz Iskra. Research at the Davti Blur site

    Armenia/ Polish and Armenian researchers discover remains of 6th century BCE houses and traces of earthquake

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    Archaeologist: Illegal searches can destroy valuable sources of historical knowledge