Ewelina Krajczyńska-Wujec


Ewelina Krajczyńska-Wujec


My articles

  • The dried-out bottom of the Aral Sea. Credit: Małgorzata Suska-Malawska.

    Polish scientists to help rebuild ecosystems in place of dried-out Aral Sea

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    When we design for seniors, we design for everyone, says architect

  • credit: Adobe Stock

    Archaeologists from Warsaw analyse how people lived in Old Dongola

  • Credit: M. Osypińska

    Polish archaeologists find graves of monkeys and calves in ancient animal cemetery in Egypt

  • Credit: K. Braulińska

    Archaeologists find letters from Roman centurions

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Warsaw University of Technology students are working on new satellite; launched planned in 2025

  • Credit: Facebook/ Institute of Palebiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and PeerJ

    Researchers re-examine ancient crocodylomorph from Załęcze Wielkie

  • Boulder TM 1219 in a wider landscape perspective. Credit: A. Rozwadowski, source: Cambridge Archaeological Journal.

    Polish scientists reinterpret petroglyphs of Toro Muerto

  • Credit: Robert Słaboński

    Archaeologists studying cooking ware pottery of ancient Nea Paphos say they were more like cracking pots than fine ceramics