Ludwika Tomala


Ludwika Tomala


My articles

  • Fot. Adobe Stock

    Tornado in a box: Twisted Polish idea for quantum memory

  • Distortions in different projections. On a 'perfect map', circles - covering the same areas - would be the same size and shape in every place on the map. Source: collage of maps shared on Wikipedia

    Maps can be deceiving and have serious consequences, says mathematician

  • Fig.: Deceptive avoidance observed in mice. A striped field mouse (on the right) runs down a corridor from a yellow-necked mouse that it wants to avoid. When it runs out of the corridor into a larger room, it lurks silently near the corridor exit. As the pursuer runs into the room and tries to get its bearings in the new space, the field mouse slips out behind it through the corridor and buys time. Credit: Raffaele d'Isaet al. Royal Society Open Science,

    Wild mice are capable of creative thinking when escaping predators, say scientists

  • The Higgs boson (blue) may form as a result of the interaction of gluons (yellow) during proton collisions. Protons consist of two up quarks (red) and one down quark (purple), bound by gluons so strongly that in the forming sea of virtual particles (gray) more massive quarks and antiquarks, for example beauty quarks, may appear, and their presence also affects the Higgs boson birth process. (Source: Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS)

    After 12 years of research, Higgs still does not reveal elements of new physics

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    No threat from ‘Jurassic Park scenario’ with NGT plants, says biotechnologist

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    Scientists measure individual human brain cells in action

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    How social signals at cellular level affect nematode reproduction

  • Credit: Maciej Majdecki, luminescent_chemist

    Molecular tailors sew nano-snowflakes for more efficient solar cells

  • Long-eared bat. Credit: Professor Jens Rydell

    Polish bats are not afraid of moonlight