Ludwika Tomala


Ludwika Tomala


My articles

  • Part of the optical path of a blue laser. Credit: DKWOC

    Polish researchers develop prototype quantum computer infrastructure based on calcium ions

  • The Crab Pulsar, NASA/HST/ASU/J. Hester et al. X-Ray: NASA/CXC/ASU/J. Hester et al.

    How stellar neutron soup bubbles

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    Analysis/ Copy and paste from ChatGPT in top-shelf scientific publications

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    Where did love come from? Psychologists: It supports commitment, like rental agreement

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    Vodka and morality: Alcohol reduces inhibitions against harming others and 'tarnishing sacred things'

  • Adobe Stock

    Forever chemicals, microplastics, medicines - micropollutants are growing problem for wastewater treatment plants

  • The Brown Susskind conjecture shows changes in complexity over time. Source: Michał Oszmaniec

    How complexity of some quantum systems grows and then decreases

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    How bacteria rearrange their cells

  • A map fragment; source: Journal of Maps

    Researchers create elaborate map of Pomeranian monsters inspired by Renaissance cartography