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Study: Compensations for passengers reduce average EU flight delays

Thanks to the introduction of passenger compensation, average flight delays in the EU have been reduced by almost 5 minutes. This is only seemingly little - in the entire EU over a year, this means a time saving equal to about ten thousand years, according to analyses by a researcher from the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

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    Analysis/ Copy and paste from ChatGPT in top-shelf scientific publications

    Certain awkward phrases characteristic of ChatGPT appear in peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals, according to the analysis conducted by Artur Strzelecki, PhD, a professor at the University of Economics in Katowice. According to the researcher, this may undermine trust in the process of preparing scientific content.

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    Where did love come from? Psychologists: It supports commitment, like rental agreement

    Where did romantic love come from among people around the world, and why was it promoted in human evolution? It was needed to guarantee a lasting relationship, support commitment between partners, give a sense of security, and thus - increase the number of their children. Conclusions from a survey in 90 countries confirm this.

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    Vodka and morality: Alcohol reduces inhibitions against harming others and 'tarnishing sacred things'

    One strong drink will not change your views on what is right and what is wrong, but it will blur your perception of values such as care and purity, according to Polish research. To verify this, psychologists offered alcohol to participants and checked their approach to ethical issues.

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    Experts: Young people particularly vulnerable to disinformation

    Most young people get information and knowledge about the world from the Internet and social media, where it is more difficult to verify information, hence they are particularly vulnerable to disinformation and fake news, emphasise experts from the Institute of Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

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    Overcome phobia in virtual reality? It works, research shows

    Fear of spiders, open spaces, heights? Research shows that virtual reality can actually be an effective tool to treat with phobias, argue researchers from SWPS University, Gdańsk University of Technology and Jagiellonian University.

  • Warsaw, 21.03.2018. Conductor Krzysztof Penderecki (R) during a concert as part of the 22nd Beethoven Festival, March 21, at the Concert Hall of the National Philharmonic in Warsaw. PAP/Paweł Supernak

    Laypeople have chills when listening to Penderecki as often as experts do

    Laypeople have chills as often as experts do when listening to Krzysztof Penderecki's Seven Gates of Jerusalem. Although experts analysed fragments of the piece more, its emotional reception did not differ depending on the level of preparation of the audience, the Jagiellonian University experiment shows.

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    Psychologist: Your attitude towards animals translates into your relationships with people

    Research shows that our attitudes towards animals translate into our relationships with other people; this applies especially to people from groups perceived as 'alien', e.g. immigrants or national minorities, says Aleksandra Rabinovitch, PhD, from the Faculty of Psychology at SWPS University in Sopot.

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    Seesaw of multitasking. How to maintain healthy balance? Jagiellonian University research

    Dividing attention between tasks too often results in a decrease in concentration, shallows emotional reactions, and induces a constant search for stimuli. On the other hand, dividing attention too infrequently distorts the way we perceive reality. Ewa Szumowska, PhD, from the Jagiellonian University investigates the issues of finding a healthy balance.

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    Antifeminism in Poland begins at home, says new study

    A new study has revealed that for many young women in Poland, antifeminism, rather than feminism, is often instilled within the family home.

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    Military University of Technology prepares optoelectronic systems for quantum computers

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  • Study: Pre-Columbian tattoos often more intricate than modern ones

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Credit: Judyta Bąk

Study: Pre-Columbian tattoos often more intricate than modern ones

Precision of pre-Columbian tattoos often exceeded modern tattooing techniques. The thinnest lines were probably made with a single cactus needle or sharpened animal bone, an analysis of over 100 tattooed human remains of the Chancay culture has shown.