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Step by step: Teaching robots to walk

For robots to be able to walk as easily as humans, many challenges must be overcome, including programming, material testing, and power supply.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    ‘Let’s be connoisseurs of social media, not consumers’, says expert

    We live in times of multiple identities, taking advantage of the opportunity to beautify and mask ourselves. As a result, social media is becoming a dynamic polyphony, a masquerade ball, a huge cyber version of Hyde Park, says Dr. Paweł Fortuna from the Perception & Cognition Lab at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Touch screens without problematic indium

    New transparent and conductive materials for use in touch screens, cheaper and more environmentally friendly than the currently used indium tin oxide, are being developed by scientists from Łukasiewicz - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics and the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw.

  • Photo from Marek Pawłowicz's archive

    Krakow University of Technology engineer designs body of new Bugatti car

    Marek Pawłowicz, an industrial design engineer working at the Krakow University of Technology, is part of a team that designed the body of a new Bugatti car called 'Tourbillon' - the first plug-in hybrid in the history of the brand.

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    Military University of Technology leads the way in Poland’s research for European defence sector

    Polish scientific institutions are implementing research and development projects in the field of defence, selected in the European Defence Fund (EDF) competition. The European Commission will finance projects with a total value of over one billion euros.

  • Adobe Stock

    f-ORG technique to detect smallest changes in human photoreceptors

    Scientists from the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) are developing a technique called flicker optoretinography (f-ORG), which may be applied in diagnosing certain visual disorders. It is the optical equivalent of flicker electroretinography (f-ERG), a valuable tool that has been used for decades to study the physiological functions of the retina.

  • Adobe Stock

    Galvanization like printing - coatings for solar cells and more

    A new method of coating materials with thin layers in a way that resembles printing has been developed at the Jagiellonian University. It requires a minimal amount of chemical materials and can accelerate the development of 3rd generation organic solar cells.

  • Adobe Stock

    Polish company creates software for ESA space missions

    BitByBit has significantly contributed to the creation of a new European system that provides a unified ground infrastructure for multiple European space missions. The company will participate in the further development and operation of the system.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Poznań scientists want to replace ordinary plastics with material made from coffee grounds

    Give coffee grounds a new life and create materials that could replace or reduce the consumption of plastics made from crude oil - this is the goal of a project by scientists from the Centre of Advanced Technology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

  • Adobe Stock

    Biolubricants can reduce carbon footprint

    Biocarbon lubricants in which non-renewable raw fossil materials will be replaced with waste.

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    Tardigrades are like Mandalorians, says expert

  • Step by step: Teaching robots to walk

  • Touch screens without problematic indium

  • No threat from ‘Jurassic Park scenario’ with NGT plants, says biotechnologist

  • ‘Let’s be connoisseurs of social media, not consumers’, says expert


Credit: Adobe Stock

Tardigrades are like Mandalorians, says expert

Cryptobiosis, or latent life, is an extraordinary mechanism because of the resilience it gives to organisms that can enter it. Learning the limits of this resilience is important, for example, in the context of astrobiology and whether any forms of terrestrial life are able to survive beyond our planet, said Dr. Weronika Erdmann from Adam Mickiewicz University.