Ministry of Science agrees to revert to the old regulations for rector scholarships | Science in Poland

Ministry of Science agrees to revert to the old regulations for rector scholarships

Minister of Science Lena Kolarska-Bobińska agreed with the opinion of students that the amended Law on Higher Education should revert to the old provisions on the rules for granting the rector scholarships, announced at the ministry website.

The minister addressed this issue during the debate with representatives of student governments at the 20th National Conference of Students\' Parliament of the Republic of Poland in Kościelisko.

According to the current legislation, the rector scholarships may be awarded to top 10 percent students of a given course. Meanwhile, according the draft Law on Higher Education (now being reviewed by the parliamentary subcommittee has for Science and Higher Education), this scholarship could be awarded to up to 10 percent students throughout the university.

Students have pointed out that this change in legislation would be detrimental. Under the new rules, students would have to compete for rector scholarships for the best students at the level of the entire university, not just the course. This would mean comparing students enrolled in a variety of areas, which - according to students themselves - is not the best solution. Science minister admitted that the Ministry would be willing to withdraw from the proposed rule changes.

During the conference in Kościelisko, Kolarska-Bobińska also referred to other changes in the law. In her view, government proposals aim towards strengthening the student rights. "The draft bill introduces a model student-university contract. You gain a statutory guarantee that the university will not surprise you with various charges, such as charges for makeup, diploma or commission exams" - she said.

Prof. Lena Kolarska-Bobińska also addressed the issue of fees for the second course of study. "We want to increase the group of students eligible for free additional studies from 10 to 20 percent. We would also want students to know from the beginning if they will have to pay for these additional studies; they should not be surprised. I hope that the Members adopt this amendment" - said the Minister of Science and Higher Education. The ministry had presented this proposal before, as part of the "Package for the Humanities".

The main topic of debate in Kościelisko was shaping attitudes and other social skills by universities. "Social competence is the ability to cooperate, communicate, build trust - said Minister of Science. - We\'re working on a new formula of ordered courses. We want to order not only courses that support the development of the economy, but also social skills, soft skills, communication" - she added.

20th National Conference of Students\' Parliament of the Republic of Poland brought together nearly 400 people from nearly 150 universities from across Poland - chairmen of university governments and members of their boards.

PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland

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