
Call for proposals the 6th Edition of the Ulam NAWA programme is open

Credit: nawa.gov.pl
Credit: nawa.gov.pl

Scientists from foreign universities and research centres with at least a PhD degree are invited to submit applications to the next edition of the Ulam Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange programme.

The aim of the programme is to increase the degree of internationalization of Polish universities and scientific institutions. The Ulam NAWA programme allows recognized and promising scientists to come to Poland, enables them to complete an internship, as well as establish and deepen scientific cooperation in Polish research and academic centers. Thanks to the programme, it is possible to gradually increase the number of foreign scientists involved in scientific research and teaching in Poland, and thus strengthen the potential of Polish units.

"Every year, the reach of the Ulam NAWA programme among the international scientific community is increasing. We are pleased to announce the next edition of the prestigious programme. It is our hope that the grants awarded will contribute to lasting cooperation and the creation of international projects in which our researchers will participate. This is a key direction in the process of internationalization of Polish science and in building Poland's reputation in the global academic environment" - highlights the Director of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, Dawid Kostecki, PhD. 

"Currently, we can confidently say that Poland is an attractive place to conduct scientific research. Our universities have research infrastructure at a very good level. The contacts established are extremely valuable for the development of science, constituting the foundation for building a network of ambassadors of our country. Using the potential of the Ulam NAWA programme is a joint responsibility of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, universities and Polish professors" -  continues the Director, D. Kostecki.

The Ulam NAWA programme enables arrivals for the purpose of: conducting scientific research, completing a postdoctoral internship, obtaining materials for research or scientific publication.

In addition to the above activities, stays may also include teaching classes.

Stays of foreign scientists in Poland may last from 6 to 24 months.

Recruitment in this year's edition will be conducted from February 15, 2024 to May 15, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. local time, in the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange IT system.

The application under the Programme shall be submitted also by a scientist with at least a doctoral degree or an equivalent degree obtained abroad, who, together with the institution of the Polish higher education and science system, has obtained the Seal of Excellence certificate under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships. 

Detailed information about the 2024 edition is available in the Call for Recruitment 8/2024.

Important changes in the 2024 recruitment

When calculating the amount of financing, the following are taken into account: 1) monthly scholarship of PLN 7,500; 2) lump sum for living and accommodation costs in Poland in the amount of PLN 4,000 per month; 3) lump sum for travel costs depending on the country of arrival; 4) support for children or people with disabilities.

The Project implementation period includes the mobility period (period of stay in the host centre) plus 3 months. The project must be implemented within the Programme implementation period.

The reserve of 3 months added to the length of stay at the centre was introduced to limit the number of annexes regarding date changes, and at the same time facilitate the settlement of stays, which often cannot start on the first day of the month.

Previous editions

So far, 303 scientists from all over the world have been able to take part in the programme. Such countries as, among others, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, the United States, Australia, Chile, Mexico and Vietnam, are represented. Natural sciences and engineering and technology are the most frequently represented fields, according to the OECD classification.

The programme beneficiaries conduct research at universities and research institutes throughout Poland. The previous editions show that most of them chose the University of Warsaw, the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, the University of Wroclaw, the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. They have been present at universities in Torun, Opole and Szczecin. It is worth emphasizing that the Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Łukasiewicz Research Network are also selected to implement projects.

The average success rate after 5 closed editions was approximately 22%.

Detailed information about the programme, call for recruitment and regulations

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