Innovative pro-medical underwear developed at Łódź University of Technology

Researchers at Łódź University of Technology are developing prototype underwear supporting prevention and treatment of inflammation of the lower urinary tract. The underwear will also contain heating to maintain safe temperature in the place of therapy and improve its effectiveness.

The author of the project is 25-year-old Emilia Frydrysiak, PhD student at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Łódź University of Technology, winner of the 4th edition of the competition "Innovation is a Woman" of the Foundation for Women in Science.

The project involves the development of a prototype of pro-medical underwear supporting prevention and treatment of inflammation of the lower urinary tract. This will be achieved by preparing microcapsules with essential oils of, for example, chamomile and sage, and microcapsules with cranberry extract or juice, and applying them onto textile substrate. The effectiveness of the treatment process will be further improved by heating inserts maintaining safe temperature at the site of treatment.

"Four types of inserts are implemented for this underwear, one of which will have textile heating electrodes. Two inserts will provide insulation, and at the very top a removable insert will be placed. It will contain compounds that support the treatment of infections of the lower respiratory tract. They will be released under the influence of increased temperature achieved by the heating electrodes" - told PAP Emilia Frydrysiak.

This solution combines the knowledge of, among others, medicine, microbiology and textile materials. Its advantage over traditional forms of therapy, including steam bath, is convenience of use. The three non-removable inserts can be washed together with the underwear. "The heating system and microcapsules are part of the clothing and underwear is comfortable to use and does not require specialized handling by the user" - believes the author of the project.

The winning design is patent pending. Its creator hopes that the work on the prototype underwear will be completed no later than next year. "Currently, we are working on its component parts" - she added.

The underwear is designed for women, because - statistically - women are 50 times more likely to suffer from inflammation of the lower respiratory tract than men. According to statistics, it happens to every second woman it at least once in life.

The project is part of the doctoral thesis of Łódź researcher. She is trying to obtain grants for it, but for now she is funding research herself.

Emilia Frydrysiak is in the first year of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Łódź University of Technology. There is also a chemical and process engineering student at the university.

She will present her innovative project at the turn of October and November at the invention fair iENA in Nuremberg, Germany.

PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland

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