Polish student selected Female Undergraduate of the Year in the UK | Science in Poland

Polish student selected Female Undergraduate of the Year in the UK

Aleksandra Pędraszewska Source: Materials from the competition Undergraduate of the Year

Aleksandra Pędraszewska, Land Economy student at Cambridge University, won the British competition for the best first degree students Undergraduate of the Year in the category "Female".

The TARGETjobs Undergraduate of the Year Awards this year featured awards for students from the UK in 12 categories. The award in the category "Female Undergraduate of the Year" was sponsored by Rolls Royce. Pędraszewska won 10-week paid summer internship with Rolls Royce.

The award is given to a students at a UK university, who not only has an excellent academic record, but also performs best in the online tests, writes well and have personal skills.

The winner of the competition Aleksandra Pędraszewska is Polish, she obtained a high school diploma in Warsaw and started studying Land Economy at the University of Cambridge in 2013. She is interested in economics, law and environmental sciences. She is also in the volleyball team of the University of Cambridge.

Pędraszewska is the president of the Cambridge University Polish Society. The Polish Society brings together students of Polish origin and persons associated with Cambridge and interested in Poland. CamPolSoc organizes lectures, recruitment meetings, gala dinners, celebrations of national holidays, including Independence Day, and social events.

The student is also the initiator of the project "NEXT STEP: Poland". This project is addressed to Polish students in the UK and representatives of business, research and governmental institutions in Poland. The main objective of the initiative is to promote career development and work experience opportunities in Poland.

Pędraszewska was also among the organizers of the conference "Science. Polish Perspectives". This interdisciplinary meeting was addressed to researchers, graduate students and students from Poland, who conduct research at universities and institutes abroad.

Results of TARGETjobs Undergraduate of the Year Awards are available on the competition website: https://www.facebook.com/undergraduateoftheyear/

PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland

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