Am app to encourage foreigners to study in Katowice

Photo: Fotolia
Photo: Fotolia

University of Economics in Katowice encourages foreigners to choose its offer with study a mobile application "Alumni UEKatowice." With it, candidates can find out about student life in Silesia from their compatriots - graduates of this university.

Foreign Ambassadors Platform - and its mobile application equivalent "Alumni UEKatowice" - has been created primarily for foreigners who are considering studying in Silesia and would like to learn about the local university life.

"It is a great convenience for those who are thinking about studying at our university. Now, before they make the final decision, they can talk to an EU Katowice graduate without any language barriers. They can simply find a person from their own country. There has never been so simple and fast" - emphasised the Foreign Ambassadors Platform implementation coordinator Edyta Lachowicz-Santos.

She added that this was not the only function of the platform. "Foreign graduates will also be able to easily find their friends from student days. The platform will allow them to reconnect with each other and with their alma mater, refresh the memory of the good student days, which everyone likes to revisit, reminisce" - noted Lachowicz-Santos.

According to the university spokesman Marek Kiczka, the platform consists of the so-called map of ambassadors and includes their contact information (including phone numbers, email addresses and social media profiles). Kiczka explained that it is as simple as clicking on a marker on the map to display the contact information of specific person.

Currently, the university has more than 20 foreign ambassadors in countries including Turkey, Italy, Austria, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Ireland, Egypt, Finland, as well as Nigeria, Taiwan and Colombia.

University application - created by the students of the university - is free and available, due to its purpose, in the English language. Currently it is available for Android users, but the versions for Windows Phone and iOS are coming soon.

According to the spokesman, in the current academic year the Katowice university educates 362 foreign students (at full studies and exchange), who have come from countries including Spain, Turkey, Germany, Romania, South Korea, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, as well as Singapore, Brazil, Morocco, Chile, Cyprus and Paraguay. In total, the University of Economics in Katowice has approx. 11 thousand students.

Foreign Ambassadors Platform and the mobile app "Alumni UEKatowice" have been created as part of the project InterUni "Support for internationalization. Strengthening the relationship between the University, candidates, students, graduates and employees using new media".

The project is carried out in cooperation with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim and the University of Liechtenstein. It uses the funding from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Norwegian funds and the EEA funds.

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