Among Polish universities included in the international citations ranking - Transparent Ranking, the University of Warsaw had the highest position. However, it ranked only 698th with nearly 76 thousand citations. The world\'s best, Harvard University, has nearly 1.5 million citations.
The latest edition of the ranking includes 5 thousand universities from around the world, arranged according to one criterion: citations in Google Scholar. The ranking has been prepared by Spanish research institution - Cybermetrics Lab that prepares the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities.
The ranking takes into account only one criterion: the number of citations of scientific papers registered in the individual Google Scholar profiles. Google Scholar is a tool designed for scientists for automatic monitoring of the number of citations of their work. The data in the ranking include the top ten public profiles of each university. Only public profiles with institutional e-mail addresses are taken into account in the ranking.
The ranking\'s top ten was dominated by universities in the United States. The first place once again went to Harvard University with nearly 1.5 million citations, followed by Stanford University; Johns Hopkins University; University of California Berkeley; University of Chicago; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of Michigan. The remaining places in the top ten were occupied by three universities in the UK: University College London; University of Cambridge and University of Oxford.
Of the more than 80 Polish universities included in the ranking, the University of Warsaw had the highest 698th position with nearly 76 thousand citations. It was followed by Warsaw University of Technology (732nd place); Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (779th place); Jagiellonian University (1000th place). In further places were also: University of Wroclaw (1016th place); Poznań University of Technology (1135th place); Medical University of Warsaw (1224th place.); AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków (1281th place); Wroclaw University of Technology (1302nd place); Lodz University of Technology (1354th place); University of Silesia in Katowice (1382th place); Gdańsk University of Technology (1402nd place); Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (1445th place).
The results collected in Transparent Ranking will be used as one of the criteria in the next edition of Ranking Web of Universities in 2017, the publication of which is scheduled at the turn of January and February.
The ranking results are available at: http://www.webometrics.info/en/node/169
PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland
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