
Ministry of Science to International Students: We Support You, You Can Count on Our Help

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Credit: Fotolia

We support you, you can always count on our help, Deputy Minister of Science Professor Wojciech Maksymowicz told international students who remain in Poland during the pandemic.

In a video published by the Ministry of Science on Monday, Maksymowicz addressed foreign students who remained in Poland. He informed about the current situation in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.

He assured that neither the universities hosting the students nor the ministry would leave them in the time of need.

He announced that international scholarships would continue to be paid on time, as long as students followed the recommendations of their host universities, including registration for online classes.

He noted that information on the current situation could be found at https://go-poland.pl. In addition, the National Agency for Academic Exchange launched a helpline (+48 22 390 35 00). The Students' Parliament of the Republic of Poland prepared a helpdesk where international students can obtain information in 10 languages https://psrp.org.pl/international-students/

Maksymowicz reminded that while students able to return to their homes had been asked to leave the dormitories, international students not able or not wishing to return their home countries would have guaranteed university housing.

'Don't be scared to ask for help', said the deputy minister.

'The experience of living in another country at this time will give you the type of knowledge and experience that cannot be obtained in books or classrooms. Please, take good care of yourselves and each other at this time', he concluded.

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