A scale of a modern slowworm. Credit: Adobe Stock

Largest known legless lizard lived in Poland

The legless lizard Pseudopus pannonicus, which lived in Poland between 15 and 2 million years ago, could have been over 2 m long.

  • Credit: K. i B. Chojnaccy

    Scientists eavesdrop on plants to see if they make sounds when stressed

    Scientists from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków and the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences are investigating whether plants emit sounds in stressful situations, such as water shortage, excessive dryness or pest attacks.

  • Adobe Stock

    Bielik has landed! Polish language model spreads its wings thanks to supercomputers from AGH UST

    A new version of Bielik has been launched. It is a huge language model with open source code that learns to generate text responses based on a huge database of Polish texts. Bielik's training was carried out using the computing resources of the two fastest supercomputers in Poland - Helios and Athena at AGH UST in Kraków.

  • Credit: Wrocław University of Science and Technology

    Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in laser

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  • The 'fang' of a large amphibian, mastodonsaurus, found in Miedary. Credit: Tomaz Hitij

    Over 100 fossils per week including shark teeth found during archaeological excavations

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  • Adobe Stock

    EagleEye is the first Polish satellite with such a large telescope

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  • Usnarz Górny (Podlaskie Province), 20.05.2024. The Polish-Belarusian border in Usnarz Górny. Photo credit: PAP/Artur Reszko

    Polish-Belarusian border barrier does not stop small predators

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  • Fot. Adobe Stock

    Tornado in a box: Twisted Polish idea for quantum memory

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  • Credit: International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw

    DNA methylation under the microscope: Another step to better understanding of some leukemias

    A decade of research at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology has allowed scientists to better understand the mechanisms leading to DNA methylation. In some situations, undesirable methylation leads to myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and some leukemias (CMML, AML). Research on DNA methyltransferases was published in the prestigious journal Nucleic Acids Research.

  • Adobe Stock

    Polish study may help premature babies with breathing disorders

    A non-commercial study by Polish scientists may help reduce the percentage of premature babies with serious breathing disorders, reports the Medical Research Agency, which is financing the project.

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  • Fot. Adobe Stock

    Tornado in a box: Twisted Polish idea for quantum memory

  • Bielik has landed! Polish language model spreads its wings thanks to supercomputers from AGH UST

  • Over 100 fossils per week including shark teeth found during archaeological excavations

  • Scientists eavesdrop on plants to see if they make sounds when stressed

  • Archaeologists discover 5,000-year-old barrow


A scale of a modern slowworm. Credit: Adobe Stock

Largest known legless lizard lived in Poland

The legless lizard Pseudopus pannonicus, which lived in Poland between 15 and 2 million years ago, could have been over 2 m long.